Dinner and a Movie

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  "Oh, it smells amazing in here!" Ryo grinned while walking in, dressed casually in a button-up with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and jeans.

  "That's definitely Toge's cooking." Momoi chuckled while following the blond with her jacket draped over her arm. "Are your parents not here yet?" Her gaze went to me, and I simply shrugged. Checking my phone, I didn't see any notifications for a text or phone call from either of them.

  "Food's ready. If it gets cold, that's on them."

  "Togecchi, no need to be cold."

  "Then you can wait for them if you want." I said while serving up the food. When I was dishing up the last plate, there was a knock at the door.

  "That must be them! I'll get it!" Ryo hopped up to answer the door. I could hear the happy greetings from where I was, and Momoi was glancing around.

  "Where's Yaju? He's usually in here when you're cooking."

  "My room. I wanted to avoid what happened last time." I stated before my parents walked in with Ryo. The two visibly paused when they saw Aomine at the table, and the blue-haired boy turned when he felt eyes on him.

  "Yo, Mr. and Mrs. Satsujin." He lazily waved.

  "Oh, we're not-"

  "It's Museigen for them." I said while plopping down in my chair.

  "But you're name is-"

  "I know. Sajan Museigen, Tori Museigen." I gestured to each of my parents before pointing to myself. "Toge Satsujin. They fucked up my name at the hospital when I was born." My tone was uncaring as I picked up my spoon, and Ryo took a seat at the table while my parents did as well.

  "Oh, then what was your name supposed to be?" Momoi asked out of curiosity.

  "Kibo." My mother smiled at the pink-haired girl while smoothing out her skirt. "Written with the kanji for 'hope'."

  "Wow, 'Hope' to 'Thorn'?" Aomine chuckled. "How'd that happen?" There was an awkward silence, and the blue-haired boy got this look on his face like he knew he shouldn't have asked that.

  "My parents rushed everything, so the nurse writing it all down got confused, and names got mixed up." I explained since neither of my parents would. "Which is why I'm now named 'Thorn Murder'." Stuffing rice and curry into my mouth, Ryo took a drink while averting his gaze, already knowing how this topic was a sore spot for me.

  "....D-Dinner's really good, Toge!" Momoi awkwardly smiled while trying to lighten the mood.


  "She's right, it's delicious." My father grinned, and I nearly bit my spoon out of irritation. "So, how do you know Kise?" He directed his question at Aomine, and he paused.

  "We were on the same basketball team in middle school."

  "Watching Aominecchi play is actually why I got into basketball." Ryo chuckled. "Momocchi was our manager, too."

  "Oh, really?"


  "Do you keep up with other members of your old team?"

  "A little."

  "We actually recently played against an old teammate at a different school." Momoi pointed. "Then coming up we even have a game against Ki-chan."

  "And I don't plan on losing!" Ryo grinned.

  "Neither do I." Aomine took a drink while looking at Ryo with a sly smirk.

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