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  The following day, I skipped out on class since I didn't know how to interact with Momoi after the little....incident yesterday. I'd have to figure it out first, then get back to her on the whole 'friendship' thing. Currently, I was laying on the roof with one hand behind my head as my other hand held a book up to read it. My brows were furrowed as I read, and a gentle breeze would come every now and then to make my hair get in the way of my vision. Mother nature can be a real ass at times.

  Turning the page, I clicked my tongue. 'What the Hell are you doing, Victor? Your dumbass is going to die!' I thought while reading about how one of the characters in the book was just wandering through an abandoned house. Well, he thought it was abandoned, but a serial killer was actually lurking in there.

  "You're in my spot." A rough voice said as the sun was blocked out by a large shadow.

  "And you're in my light." I replied while still reading my horror book. There was a silent pause before two large hands suddenly rolled me over, and a huge body plopped down where I had been. Growling as my stomach was now facing down and my face was shoved into my book, I shot to my hands and knees and glared. "What the fuck, blueberry bitch?"

  "I said you were in my spot." He said while lacing his fingers behind his head. He closed his blue eyes, seeming to not take notice of my growing irritation. Clenching my jaw, I shot daggers at his head with my glare before taking a deep breath.

  "You are such a cock-sucker." His eyes shot open, and he gave me such a dirty look.

  "I don't want to hear it, thorn-tits."

  "Fuck off, pervert! And leave my boobs out of this!" The boy sat up and twisted around to look right at me.

  "I'm the pervert?! You're the one who grabbed my junk right after meeting me!"

  "So? You were pissing me off, so I wanted to throw you off." I rose my voice, and I got the feeling another fight would break out, but no one was here to get in the way this time. Could I actually take him? I mean, I had been on top at the beginning of our fight before, but I got a strong feeling that he was holding back because I was a girl.

  "So you grab my dick?!"

  "You were the one making sexual innuendos!" Glaring, I then noticed the huge bruise on his cheek from me punching him and remembered Momoi's crying. Sighing, I sat cross-legged while scratching the back of my head. "Look, I know I have a shit personality and a short temper, but I'm willing to put our....whatever- our beef- to the side so Momoi doesn't end up crying again. Do we have a truce?"

  "You haven't even known her for two days."

  "So!" I rose my voice. "She's....She's an odd one, yeah, but she's an interesting one, and she reminds me a lot of an old friend. Who cares how long I've known her? I can't stand it when people cry like that...." Shooting him another glare, I sighed once more. "Do we or don't we have a truce?" He was just staring at me with an odd expression and a raised brow that ticked me off. "Answer, blueberry bitch!"

  "Stop calling me that." He snarled. "If we have this truce, no more with the fruit names!"

  "....Whatever." Yeah, I was a hard-ass, but if I wanted to see more interesting things from Momoi, I'd have to at least get along with her childhood friend in the barest smidgen of ways.

  "You're easily tamed, aren't you? All bark and bite 'til you get a collar, huh?" He smirked while looking down at me.

  "Goddammit, just say yes or no already!"

  "Fine. But only because Momoi seems to like her new pet." He popped off before laying back down. Not even two days- two days- and this ass was already acting docile. And I'm the one easily tamed? Please.

  "Jeez, you are such a fucking ass. I'm not a pet." I grumbled while rolling onto my back to go back to reading. He just growled in response but remained quiet. Oddly enough, the atmosphere wasn't tense at all and was actually fairly calm as I silently read and he just laid there while most likely taking a nap. Glancing at him from the corner of my vision, I couldn't help but imagine him as a big, mean-looking dog with a spiked collar and a little Momoi holding the leash. Was this the power of childhood friends? Maybe I should learn how to utilize that.

  Returning to my book, I spent half of the day laying a few feet from the blue giant before looking for Momoi during lunch. When I found her, she had my bag since I had completely forgotten it in the gym yesterday.

  "Oppai!" I called out to get her attention since she seemed to be looking around for me. A big smile played on her lips as she ran at me with her arms outstretched. 'Is she going to hug me?! No, no, no!' I thought before dodging her as she went barreling past. She nearly fell flat on her face when she tried to stop, but then turned toward me with those big, pink eyes. "About yesterday...." I had my hands stuffed into my pockets. If there was one good thing I learned from Ryo-teme, that was how to talk 'civilly' with others instead of being just blunt or rude. "I made a truce with that guy- Aomine, I think you called him- and well.... You won't have to worry about us brutally murdering each other." Yes. Civilly.

  "Toge...." Her smile reached from ear to ear and there was no escape from her bear hug that caused our huge boobs to squish together. It was highly uncomfortable. "Aww, I was right! You do have a sweet side!"

  "No," I pried her off of me. "I just can't handle it when people cry like a baby for weird reasons." Despite what I said, she was still smiling.

   "Oka~y." She then took a step to the side and pointed in the direction she was headed in. "Hungry?"

  "Abso-fucking-lutely." I replied while following her. She ended up treating me to a yakisoba bread and coffee milk which was an odd combination in flavors while I was eating and drinking. It was weird to say in the least, but I couldn't really determine if I liked the taste or not.

  "So, how do you like school so far? I missed you in class most of today." She said after going on and on about basketball.

  "It's school, so it's annoying. And I was taking a nice tour of the roof today with my book." 

  "I see." She simply smiled. "By the way, could you please change my nickname?"

  "Nope." I replied while popping the 'p'. Stuffing the last of the bread into my mouth, I watched as she slumped forward with a sigh of defeat. "Tomorrow, I'll provide you lunch since you did today." Her pink eyes lit up as a smile began to pull at her lips. "What do you want in your bento?"

  "You're going to make me a bento?!" Momoi nearly squealed.

  " what do you want?"

  "Whatever's fine." She was like a happy little animal as she was smiling like a dork and seemed to glow with happiness as flowers popped up around her. Taking a step away from her, I narrowed my eyes. It was creepy how similar her reactions were to Ryo-teme's.

  "Okay, then I'll just give you a whole lemon." Momoi playfully smacked my arm.

  "Don't! Just make me whatever you make yourself!"

  "Fine, fine." I nodded while raising one hand. "But I must warn you, it may or may not just be a bunch of sweets."

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