Lunch With Tw-....Three

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  It was day three of my friendship with Momoi. I was putting the finishing touches on her bento, and at first, I was just going to stuff it full of mochi, but I decided against it seeing as she had treated me to actual food the day before. Closing the lunchbox, I stacked it on top of my own and wrapped them both in a black cloth covered in dragon designs. Stuffing it into my bag, I headed off to school.

  Arriving there, I saw Momoi waiting patiently at the gates. From the way her face lit up when she saw me,  it was safe to assume she had been waiting for me there. ....She really was a strange one.

  "Halt." I said firmly while sticking out my foot since my hands were in my pockets. She nearly ran right into my shoe but stopped just an inch before with her arms out like she was going to hug me. "Stay!" I commanded before cautiously putting my leg down.  She didn't move at all and reminded me of an excited pomeranian. "Paw." Holding out my hand, she laughed and placed one of hers in my palm. "Good girl." I ruffled her hair before passing the gate.

  The pink-haired girl wasn't offended by the dog treatment she had just received and seemed to actually find it funny. I used to do the same thing to Ryo-teme as well, though it was more a form of teasing with him.

  Momoi was extremely eager for lunch to come around just to see what I had made for her as payback for the bread and milk. I made her wait even longer until we found a spot to eat during our lunch period. Sitting down, I straddled a bench while setting my bag down in front of me and pulled the zipper open.

  Pulling out the lunches, I unwrapped them and handed her the one on top along with a pair of chopsticks. Smirking,  I knew damn well my cooking was amazing and now someone other than my family and Ryo-teme would know.

  "Enjoy." I said, but it came out more like a demand than anything else as she hesitated to open it. The conflict on her face was amusing to watch as she fought whether or not to look. Momoi took in a deep breath, closing her eyes as she grabbed the lid and lifted it up. There was a silent pause as I raised a brow at her actions, and when she peeked open an eye she gasped with a shocked expression.

  "Wh-What is this?!" She asked, and I gave a deadpanned expression.

  "It's a bear. I didn't know what animal you liked, so I went with the stereotype that girls like little bears." I stated while explaining the cutsie animal made of food over her rice. My own was plain because I had only done the bear for her was her.

  "I....I can't eat this! It's too cute!" Rolling my eyes, I stuck the chopsticks into her hand and gave her a look.

  "Eat it or the food will go to waste." She gave me a pouty look with puppy-dog eyes, but I ignored it while digging into my own food. When she finally tried it, though, she squealed with delight, and I just shook my head. However.....deep down, I felt a spark of joy and pride to know she liked it- like, deep, deep, de-ep down inside.

  "This is amazing! Did you really make this?!" Momoi asked, and I nodded before going back to my own food. She kept going wide-eyed and gushed every time she tried something in the bento. "Ah! Dai-chan, that's mine!" Looking up, I saw the overgrown blueberry hanging over her shoulder while picking food from the lunchbox.

  "Who made this? Your cooking sucks." He said, earning a smack on the arm from Momoi.

  "Toge did! Now go get your own food!" Blue eyes were then directed my way, and I glared back. 'Remember the truce, remember the truce.' My mind kept repeating as a smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. The big guy moved to sling an arm over my shoulders while picking food from my lunch.

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