"No," Harry says the same time I do. We glare at each other again. I hear Liam sigh in frustration then a door slams shut.

I focus on Harry as we start the competition again. Both of us daring the other to blink. My eyes start wanting to blink. Stay open I urge them.

Then a two hands clap I'm front of my face, "Looks like Harry won" Louis laughs.

"That's cheating!" I tell glaring at him. "What is? I didn't do anything." He says smirking.

I lunge at him tackling him onto the bed. We roll around scratching and pulling each others hair.

"Stop your messing up my hair!" I yell when he's on top of me pulling my hair. "Aww is the little girl going to after spend five hours fixing his hair?" He asks smirking.

I hear a laugh and I look up at an amused Harry watching us. I growl and push Louis so I'm on top again.

"Your messing up my clothes, get off me fat ass,"He yells. "Oh yeah and I'm the girl. You're the one who spends three hours picking out something to wear!" I hear Harry laugh and I fill with pride.


"He started it," Louis says and I hit his hand away when he points at me. "I did not!"

"I don't care who started it, fix the bed and get ready to go!" He yells. Louis pushes me off of him and onto the floor.

"Asshole," I mutter standing up pushing him slightly. I pick up the blanket and there's a tug. I look up to see Louis holding the other side.

I pull it towards me and he pulls it back. This starts a game of tug a war. "Oh my god just leave it," Liam's snaps.

We both drop the blanket but still stand there glaring at each other. "Go fix your clothes and hair and then get in the car." Liam says coming behind us and pushing us towards the door.

Liam slams the door behind us and I turn right and start walking away. Stupid Louis.

Realizing I'm going the wrong way, I turn around and start walking the other way. Louis' doing the same thing and we stick our tongues out each other as we pass.

I go to my room and fix my hair before going out to the car, a security guard following me. I frown when I see the only spot is next to Louis.

The security guard pushes me into the car and I'm forced to sit next to him. "Harry sit in between them," Liam tells Harry.

With a groan Harry sits down in between us. His hand rests on his leg and it slightly touches mine. I want to reach out and old it badly but I refrain from doing so for obvious reasons.

The whole car ride there is just Liam and Niall talking, the rest of us silent. I was focused on the slight movements Harry kept making.

Brushing his curls out if his face, taping his fingers on his leg, his quiet breathing, moving his leg when it touches mine. God Im such a creep.

I take my phone out, to try and distract myself but I find myself watching him again.

He takes his phone out and types his passcode in which is 6969. Of course it would be something simple and dirty like that. I cough to try and keep myself from laughing.

He logs in to twitter and presses the tweet button. He types #LouisCheats and presses tweet.

I turn my head to hide my smile and shock. Harry was mad at me and now that Louis' made me lose by cheating he was going against his best friend by tweeting that.

The Pain Of Loving Harry Styles (Zarry Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now