Chapter 4

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****sorry if this chapter sucks, I'm writing this at 2 in the morning :| ****

After spending the whole day and night in my room after Liam yelled at me, I finally decide to go apologize.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you yesterday." I say when he lets me in.

"You don't have to apologize, I shouldn't have yelled at you. Especially since those two made the mess" He glares over at Harry and Louis.

I can't help but laugh when Liam says he yelled at them for 5 minutes straight. Louis and Harry both glare at me.

"Now I'm going to the studio with Niall for awhile, behave yourselves. We have a concert tomorrow." Liam says.

"Are those two together?" Harry asks when Liam and Niall leave. "Wouldn't surprise me," I laugh.

"I wasn't talking to you," Harry says crossing his arms and glaring at me. "What's your problem?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"You didn't save me yesterday when i was getting tickled," He pouts.

"I don't see you mad at Louis and he's the one who was doing the tickling."

"I can't be mad at my Boobear," Harry says kissing louis on the cheek making Louis smirk. I wanted to slap that smirk off his face.

"Well I'm not sorry for not saving you so why don't you and boobear go makeout or whatever you two do in your free time," I snap.

I stalk out of the room, slamming the door behind me. God I'm so stupid. "If you don't control your temper, your never gonna have a chance with him" There goes that stupid annoying voice again.

"I don't have a chance with him anyways," I mumble. God why did this have to happen now. Why couldn't I have ignored the feeling longer.

Why couldn't I have never ignored the feelings. If i would have just told harry i liked him at bootcamp then maybe we could have been together. Then Larry wouldn't of had all this time to grow.

I bang my head against the wall "god your so stupid." I stand up and walk to my room. I need to get over him.

******skip to next day****** ********************************************************

"Ok concert today, interview and Photo shoot tomorrow, then we fly back to London. Got it?" Liam says reading off his event calendar on his phone.

No one answers him because none of us were paying attention. Niall of course is eating, Louis was on the phone with Eleanor. And I was having a glaring competition with a very stubborn Harry.

"Is anyone paying attention?" Liam snaps. "Ha you blinked," I yell.

"Liam could you please tell Zayn I did not blink."

"Tell him yourself," Liam groans annoyed. Just then Louis snaps his phone shut and sits down next to Harry.

"Boobear can you tell him pleaseeee?" Harry asks.

"Zayn, Harry did not blink." Lou says making Harry smirk.

"Whatever, you know I won." I scoff rolling my eyes.

"Tell Zayn he didn't win" Harry tells Louis. "Zayn you didn't win."

"I heard him, and yes I did win."

"You did not"

"Did too"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!!!"

"And it looks like I win again because you're talking to me," I laugh.

"Dammit," He swears glaring at me. "Can you two stop acting like five year olds for two minutes" Liam asks.

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