Chapter 5

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"Hey Ni?" I ask touching his arm. "Leave me alone," he says pulling away from me. "Come on you can't still be mad at me, I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you."

"Apology not accepted," He crosses his arms and stalks away. I sigh in frustration and sit down. He could be so stubborn sometimes.

"Ill talk to him," Liam sighs. Liam walks after Niall, leaving me alone in the hotel room.

I fidget with my hands as I wait for them to come back out. I didn't mean to hurt Niall's feelings. I was just....mad? I need to start controlling my anger especially around Niall because he's sensitive.

"Go on," I snap my head up and stand straight as Niall and Liam walk in. Liam pushes Niall towards me a little. "I accept your apology, I know you didn't mean to." He says. "Thanks, I promise not to take my anger out on you."

He steps forward and pulls me into a hug. "Zayn you know you can talk to me, my ears are always open to listen," he whispers before pulling away.

"Now where are the other two? We need to leave if we want to sign autographs before the interview," Liam asks looking at the clock.

"Louis I told you, I didn't do it," Just as Liam says that harry and Louis walk through the door. They stop arguing when they see us. "We need to leave," Liam says pushing all of us out the door.

"I know you did it harry, if you didn't then why would all the tweets in the trend be tweeted to you?" They start arguing again as we walk down the hall.

"See I told you I didn't do it," I mutter as I walk past them. "Fine I did it," Harry sighs. "Harry Edward Styles you're a trader," Louis snaps at him and walks past me hands on his hips. I stop my self from laughing when harry starts walking toward me.

"Why'd you tweet it?" I ask. He shrugs. "I don't know....I guess because he cheated against my best friend." My heart does a little jump when he says best friend. "I thought Louis was your best friend?" I ask trying to hide my smile.

"Well he is but so are you and the other lads," He shrugs. My heart and smile drop immediately. I'm stupid of course we're all his best friends. I'm nothing special, I'm just one of his four best friends.

We get to the car and Harry's sits right next to Lou like he usually does. Louis glares at him before pushing me over and sitting on my right. Well this is different. Last time Harry was the one sitting between us keeping Louis and me away from each other.

"Hi," Louis says leaning his head on my shoulder. "Umm hi?" I say questioningly. I look down at Louis but he's to busy smirking at Harry to reply. I look at Harry to see him looking at us with a mixture of hurt/jealousy/anger in his eyes.

I cough awkwardly and move away from Louis but he just moves closer so our legs touch. I look at Liam for help but him and Niall are to into their conversation to notice whatever's going on right now. The rest of the car ride is pretty much me trying to get Louis off me, him moving closer, and Harry glaring at us.

"Come on Zaynie," Louis says pulling me out of the car when we get there. Liam finally notices and raises his eyebrows at me questioningly. I shrug as Louis keeps pulling me. I finally pull my hand away when we have to stop and sign autographs.

After signing autographs/taking pictures for an hour we go inside to get ready. I hurry to my dressing room before Louis can grab my hand again. What is his problem? Making Harry jealous/mad is not going to do anything. He has weird ways to get revenge.

I start undressing so I can put the clothes our stylist, Lou, put out for me. My door opens and I almost fall over as I was trying to get my leg out of my pant leg. "Um hi?" I ask when I look over to see Harry.

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