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Chapter Fifteen
Working On A Plan


"Got anything stronger?"

"No chance," Mickey scoffed as he took the kettle off the stove and rummaged through his cupboards for tea. "I've seen you when you've had a few. This ain't no time for a conga."

"We've got to tell someone!" Jackie said as she took a seat behind him.

"Who do we trust? For all we know, they've all got big bog monsters inside of them," Mickey stated, grabbing two mugs off the hanging rack. "This is what he does, Jacks, that Doctor bloke. Everywhere he goes death and destruction. And he's got Rose and Emma in the middle of it."

"Has he got a great big thing inside of him, then?" Jackie asked, still in shock from everything that happened.

"Hmm," Mickey hummed thoughtfully for a second. "I wouldn't put it past him. But like it or not, he's the only person who knows how to fight these things."

"I thought I was going to die," Jackie whispered and broke down crying.

Mickey looked back at her for a second before setting the milk down on the counter. He walked over and hesitantly bent down, giving her an awkward hug. "Come on, yeah? If anyone's going to cry, it's going to be me," he said his voice cracking slightly. "Now, you're safe at my flat, Jacks, no one's going to look for you here..." he left her side, "especially since you hate me so much."

"You saved my life," she sniffed, looking up at him. "God, that's embarrassing."

"You're telling me," he tried to joke.

The apartment door creaked open, then clicked shut. Dean and Cas walked through the living room and appeared at the kitchen door a second later, Dean carrying a heavy-looking duffel bag.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Jackie demanded weakly.

"Getting supplies," Dean held the duffel bag up, "and just to point this out, none of this would have happened if you just kept your damn mouth shut!" he sent her a glare.

"What was I supposed to do?" Jackie exclaimed, "an alien with my daughter? She and Emma were missing for a whole bloody year! They finally come back and we get invaded by aliens, only to find out they were with an alien the whole time!"

"Jackie, how is an alien more surprising than the stuff our family deals with?" Dean snapped at her in annoyance. "Our daughters are finally back, he kept them safe, and you go and call the freaking army and military on him?"

"I was scared!" Jackie screamed at him. "Rose is the only thing I have left, besides Emma. And they both went missing! How would you feel if your brother or he did the same," she threw a finger at Cas, "hey?"

"Don't you think I was worried about Emma?" Dean yelled. "She's my daughter! My only kid. I was a complete wreck looking for her everywhere. I searched all of Earth and Hell for her! I even tried making deals with demons to find out where she was or what happened to her. So don't you dare think you had a good enough excuse to do what you did to my daughter, to your own daughter," he added furiously.

"Dean, enough," Cas sighed placing a calming hand down on his shoulder. "Let's just figure this out."

"D-Did you just say demons?" Mickey stuttered in surprise.

Dean rolled his eyes and left the kitchen, not in the mood to talk the kid through a supernatural 101.


"Right, what have we got?" the Doctor asked as he walked around the room. "Any terminals... anything?"

"No," Rose replied, standing up from the cabinet she was looking in. "This place is antique."

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