Chapter ~6~

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Jace pov

I was in my office listening to Justin sing, "all I want for Christmas is you". Its not even November!!!, it was the most horrifying sound ever.

"Justin" *slightly yelling* "zip it, you are the worst singer in history, even my cat sings better than you" I tried putting my hands on my head to ease the pain,  of the upcoming headache that would surely surface anytime soon.

"You don't have a cat" he got me there but I have a dog.

"That's not the point" trying to change the subject.

"Oh yes it is because you we're tapping your feet on the ground which means you liked it and stop changing the topic"

"I clearly am not and Yeah I was tapping my feet out of annoyance, stupid! "

"I feel hurt" what is wrong with you.

"You always feel hurt" and I know he has at least said he felt hurt 3times today.

"I am not OK!!!"

"Your never OK. Now tell me what I need to know before I throw you out the window " pointing at the window while giving him the *am not kidding look*.

"There is no need to do that my friend *he laughs nervously* I will tell you everything".

"Your not my friend, now spill" I probably sound like a spoilt teenage brat who wants to listen to gossip right know.

"OK chill"

"If you tell me to chill one more time, so god help me I will make your life and your families life a living hell as long as you shall live".

"Okay okay no need to bring my family into this, the guy that gave the orders to steal your stuff is the owner of the blue flamingo club, that is what I have been trying to tell you" I gave him *the are you serious* look.

"I won't even try to argue, but haven't you been talking about going to a club tonight "

"Yeah, I was seeking your opinion and you agreed"

"You didn't even ask for my opinion "

"Yeah because no one cares about what you think, and you really need to stop these comebacks your doing, it's getting boring for me and even for the readers "

"No it's no, right guys? "

"They can't hear you smart pants"

"Piss off"


"Don't say it, don't you dare"

"Fine*huffs* I won't say it but your phone is about to ring very loud" wait what.

"How is that even possible —" I get cut of by my phone ringing, very loud might I add.

"How is this even possible " I saw him give me a victorious 😎 smirk, while I was left busy trying to comprehend how this happened.

"I have magical powers to tell a person when their phone is about to ring, *he said while giving me the your stupid look* what do you think genus?,I ordered them to call you when they found something "

Pressing the answer button on my phone and placing it close to my ear.

"Hello? "

"Sir it's Andrew "

"Yes, what do you want? "

"If Justin hasn't told you the person that stole from you was Mr. Arnaldo, his the owner of the blue flamingo club, our sources tell us his planning to sell them tonight you have to be there sir"

"I will"

"Thank You sir"

"Good bye" he ended the call, looks like change of plans.

"Looks like we're not going to club soda" I said while facing him.

"What why not!! " he literally flew out of his chair.

"Because I said so"

"Aw man" he pouted

"That's the ugliest face I have ever seen"

"What's your problem man"

"How about I buy the club and postpone the opening night"

"That's cool with me"

"I guess we are going to the blue flamingo club"

"Yes, just one tiny problem "

"Which is"

"The club is lame, it's never full "

"So what's your point"

"My point is, it's too quiet for my liking"

"Nobody cares about your opinion, but again what's your point "

"Oh come on, its meant for people with no vibes"

"This is a business related thing not a vacation, now leave your disturbing my peace "

"Dumb ass" he muttered while heading towards the door.

"Am just going to pretend am deaf and just got miraculous healing from God so I won't believe everything I hear, but say it next time, I will slice your head and hang it as a trophy in my office then cut all your body parts just like I did with Davis, then feed every bit of you to my piranha" I pointed at the piranha fish tank at the far end of my office.

"You don't have to do that am leaving already "

"Well you were the one that bought them for my birthday which means you bought your own death, and besides they haven't been fed since on Tuesday and today is Saturday, am sure they would love your blood "

"You are twisted "

"I know but get ready we are partying tonight " I could see his eyes light up like a Christmas tree on Christmas eve.

"Yes!!!!!!!!!!! "

"Hold up"


"My rules"

"Of course there's always a but, your like the devil giving a person a 👑 crown and taking the person's head. " ignoring his comment I continued with my rules.

"Rule one dress nice"

"That isn't a problem because I'm borrowing your clothes" don't say anything Jace ignore! ignore!! Ignore!!!.

"Rule two don't be a pervert, three get wild but not too wild because I'm not carrying your sorry ass home"

"My ass isn't sorry"

"Four, make sure my men are on standby and should blend in with the crowd, five, don't try and find me a date or else I will use them and discard them the next day, follow these rules and we won't have problems got it" I could see him going over the rules in his head.

"Got it, seem easy enough but you sound like our principal "

"Good thing his dead" the room went silent, before laughter filled the air, we are sick.

I guess we are going down memory lane in the next chapter .


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My Gangster Boyfriend Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora