Chapter ~4~

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After that fool's body was taken care of, I cut his finger off and placed it on his phone, disgusting right? News flash, I see this kind of things on a daily basis and don't blame me, blame the people that created the stupid finger print lock. I mean why would a person create that when they know there are people in the world like us, it like they just want your finger to be chopped off.

Anyways all the information I needed was in here, why did I even waste my precious time, that's what you get for doing a flashback.

I called Jerry to transfer all the information on the dead guy's phone to mine.

I took out my phone and called the person I trusted the most.

"Yo Justin" I said while going through some papers and signing them.

"Hey devil, wait did you just say yo" he said in a sleepy voice, he must have been tired after retrieving my shipment yesterday.

"Yes I did, i'm proud of it and don't call me devil"

"Don't say yo" he shot back

"Just forget it have you returned my shipment back to its rightful place" oh I forgot to tell you guys my shipment was stolen by a gang named dragons, they are known for borrowings your stuff without permission *note the sarcasm*, other people call it stealing, I call it borrowings without permission because your eventually going to return it back anyway so why stress over it.

"Yeah we got it, no offense but their gang is like a waste of time to us, they don't even know how to use a fucking gun" he said while laughing at the last part.

"I know right? But that's not why I called" I said getting serious.

"Then why did you call"

"Because I need you to get your ass here, something came up"

"Seriously, WOW I now see why they call you the devil"

"Don't call me that, my name is Jace if you cant pronounce it then just shut the hell up" devil, Mr. devil and even Lucifer were all names given to me by some idiots who don't  have any better things to do with their lives but I do like Mr. Devil or Lucifer it sounds more professional and cool at the same time, it----

*Knock Knock*

Why does everyone interrupt me when I'm trying to do my intro, nobody cuts Riele off when she did hers or do you guys prefer Riele over your sweet little Jace *nobody say a word*. I swear to god on my mother's shitty grave, if anyone interrupts me again I'll kill him or her except if she's hot then I'm sure I can make an exception, if she gives me what I want then its all good. So I'll advice you to read my part quietly or I will hunt you in your dreams.

"Dude" I heard a familiar voice behind the door.


"Let me in I have been knocking for the past five minutes why call me if you wont let me in"

"Come in, the door wasn't locked dummy "

"Am not a dummy " I just realized something.

"How did you get here so fast" I said while looking at my phone.

"Well I got dressed, walked to my car, opened the door-----"

"Stop you fucking idiot, that's not what I meant"

"Oh I just got here while you were talking to someone, by the way who were you talking to"

"No one" I said as quick as lightening.

"Okay no need to be weird, weirdo"

"Justin I didn't call you here to piss me off"

"And I didn't come here to stay outside "

"Don't expect me to apologize "

"Jace don't put on the tough guy act for me because if you do I will leave your ass"

"You sound like my wife"

"You wish I was"

"No, no I don't, I would never wish that on my greatest enemy talk more of me"

"That's crazy"

"Your crazy Justin"

"At least I don't threaten to kill readers" my head shot up immediately.

"Wait you heard that? "

"You don't exactly have an inside voice" he said plainly.

"So you heard everything? "

"Yes I did, Including the hunting people in their dreams"

"Oh well, this is awkward "

"By the way who are the readers"

"The viewers " I said in a spooky voice while pointing up.

"Who, God? " he said while looking up

"No you moron, you know what, just forget it"

"Okay weirdo" he said while rolling his eyes, he did not just roll his eyes at me.

"1 never call me a weirdo because I will chop your head off the only reason why your still alive is because your one of my best men"

"And best friend"

"Your not my best friend"

"Ouch i'm hurt" he replied while putting his hand on his chest where his heart was located.

"That's your problem not mine"


"2 I called you here to take some men to this location and get my shit back"

"Again" he said frustrated and I smiled to myself.

"Yes again"

"Hello Mr. Devil where have you been hiding"

"Just go!! "

"We totally need a vacation after this"

"Nope" I said popping the P

"Fine then a night club"

"Still no"

"Why not"

"I have work to do now leave"

"We both know there is nothing for you to do because your the boss and you can do it another time" he whined like a spoilt 3 year old.

"My answer still stands"

"Am paying "

"Well *laughs* you should have started with that"

"I just made the worst decision of my life didn't I?"

"Oh yeah" Justin sighs and mutters something.

"Free loaders" he whispered to himself while walking out the door.

"I heard that"

"I know that's why I freaking said it".


Sorry for the delay but our school has resumed, but I will try to update as soon as possible bye bye.

No proof reading.

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My Gangster Boyfriend Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang