Chapter ~1~

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Riele pov

Its been seven years since I left swellview and I feel like its time to come home, it would be nice to see my parents again after seven years I've been trying to contact them over the years, I mean we use to video chat and all but anytime I tried to chip in the idea of coming home, they would warn me of the dangers of even thinking of stepping foot back in swellview and I would always listen.

After a while they just stopped contacting me, as in, they stopped answering my calls, I tried to call so many times, even when I thought of going back, I always stopped thinking they had a good reason not to contact me and heeded to their warnings.

One of their rules were Never contact us unless contacted first. But now, I can't take it anymore, I can't play by the rules, now I'm tired, i have to see them.

So fuck the dangers I'm coming home!!!, as a surprise obviously, because they stopped responding I'm starting to get worried, people may ask why I haven't gone back home during those seven years to check up on them, if my parents warn you of something just know they have your best interest in mind.

When I got the scholarship into the university, I was so excited to tell everyone, even Jace until the incident happened, so i decided to cut my stay 3 years shorter and go continue my highschool education in California because i needed a new place and change of environment that doesn't include guns, cigarettes and other things.

I thought Jace would be happy for me but turns out he wasn't. Immediately my parents found out about the fight and shit uploaded in our damned faces, they sent me to California with a warning and that warning was to Never come back.

I have never really needed my parents because I got a job as a fashion designer and it pays good money, enough to pay my college fees and to live a better life, i just want to see them again but it's kind of disturbing that I haven't seen my parents am I a bad daughter for not going to check up on them?, I'm I also a bad daughter for breaking their rules?.

There are so many great memory there but some of those memories I would like to forget. Especially the incident, all that blood I had to get away, I had to get a new breathing space even if it literally cost me my friendship with Jace I'm doing this to keep everyone I care about safe even Jace.

Its even part of the reason I left but I'm hoping that it will all go smoothly this time. Plus I'm bringing my Bestie Ariana along in case things go sideways, she always got my back we have been friends since college even if she was cool and I was a geek she till stood by me which is hard to believe nowadays but I love her so much and she has an amazing voice. She's teaching me how to sing, I'm so happy but we are going to be late if Ariana doesn't get her ass up.

"Ari wake up!!!" I said frustrated.

"Noooooooo!!!!!!" she said in a sleeping voice.

"Okay don't wake up" i breathed out.

"Thank you" she said in a sleepy grateful voice.

"Get up we are going to be late" I said, slowly losing my patience.

"Five more minutes!!!!" She whined, Seriously.

"Fine but their we'll be boys" I said in a playful manner.

"What!!!, I'm up, you we're saying" ari said while literally jumping up.

"Oh yes, there will be boys because most of the people in our town are guys"

"Are they hot? "

"Obviously, where do you think I come from, the town of ugly people? " I spoke sarcastically.

"Are they bad boys? "

"Well half of them are in gangs so the bad boy part is covered, so yes they are bad boys" I spoke while stepping close, just enough to pull the covers off of her.

"How bad? "

"For heaven's sake, I don't live in a fucking prison, how I'm I supposed to know how bad they are, our town's not a jail cell filled with hooligans, so how do you suppose i know the degree of badness they possess "

"Then let's go what are you waiting for " she said walking to the Front door happily.

"Ummmmm You silly " I said but she was already out the door "and ari you're still in your PJ" I yelled. Three seconds later she burst through the door and runs to the bathroom.

"Give me ten minutes " she called out from the bathroom.

"Sure but hurry the fuck up"

"I love boys" Ari screamed from the other side, good thing this was our own house unless we would have been thrown out a long time ago.

"Yes i know, but be careful most of them are players" i tried to warn her.

"Don't worry I'll play them first" she giggled.

"Don't go meet someone who freaking breaks heart or else"

"You haven't seen me in action "

"Just go get ready" I said rudely

"No need to be rude" she said while walking out of the bathroom.

"This is going to be fun" I muttered

"It sure is" ari yelled from the bathroom

"Wait how did you hear me"

"Your terrible at whispering"

"How can someone be terrible at whispering"

"I don't know but you are"

"Just hurry up"

"Will do"

Fifteen minutes later *******************************

Since all our necessities were packed and I did a cross check of everything the last thing or more like person I need is Ariana.

Just when I was about to call her, she came out fully dressed and carried our suitcases to the car we flagged down because we rented a car over in swellview and we can't carry our car in an airplane, so we just rented another for the time being.

"Hurry up! " Ariana yelled.

I put my hands up in defense "I'm coming, you don't have to yell"

And with that we were off.


First chapter of My Gangster boyfriend yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!.

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