Chapter 31: The Driving Lesson

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Chapter 31: The Driving Lesson

My body shook as I looked at Jasper with fear. He stood beside the shiny silver Volvo with a look of disbelief. I had already tried to run once, but Emmett had caught me and carried me right back before I could escape into the woods.

"Don't make me do this..." I took a step back. "I'm totally fine not knowing how to."

"It's like riding a bike, Hannah. You'll be great! We all came to a decision that Edward's car is the best one to practice on," Emmett said, grabbing my shoulder to stop me from running again.

My heart was pounding painfully in my chest.

Jasper rolled his eyes. "No. You and Jacob made that decision, Emmett."

Seth was nervous beside me. He wasn't thrilled that they were forcing this on me. "Shouldn't we wait until Edward gets back."

Jasper tried to reassure him. "Don't worry, Seth. I'll keep her calm."

Jacob added from the porch, "If you crash sis, just remember that you heal very quickly and it probably won't hurt."

I cringed. "I don't think this is a good idea."

Jasper placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "It can't be any worse than Bella."

I swallowed. My eyes stared at the vehicle.

"Are... are you sure about this?" I stared back at the keys with great uncertainty.

Emmett smirked. "Come on, Lassie. There's nothing to be afraid of unless you wreck his car. Then he might come after you."

I hesitantly took the keys from Jasper. Emmett released me when he saw I was complying.

If Edward were here, he would save me. However, I knew Edward was miles away hunting with Bella. I also knew Alice was inside the house and Edward would not know through her own thoughts and visions what we were about to do.

"If I do wreck, should I hide?"

Seth couldn't help but laugh at my fear of how Edward would react if I damaged his wheels. "Don't worry, Han. I'm sure he won't murder you. He might just throw you in a pit with spiders."

I cringed. "Remind me again why I can't practice in Jacob's car?"

Jacob scoffed from where he sat with Renesmee on the porch. Renesmee was a year old now, but she looked like a six year old. She was so wise and mature for her age.

We were moving in a month to New Hampshire like we had planned last year, so they wanted me to learn how to drive because I would be attending school with them in the spring. My thirst was getting easier to control as the months passed, and I was relieved my feeding schedule was spreading out at last.

Jacob crossed his arms and responded to my question. "Last thing I need is my baby getting scratched up."

I noticed as he spoke, that Carlisle and Esme were standing on the porch as well, curious by my first day of practice.

Stepping over to the car, I looked over the unmarked silver paint and perfect structure with even more terror. I had seen angry Edward only a few times. I wasn't sure if I wanted to have him kill me.

"Oh come on, Han. You can't be that bad of a driver!" Emmett stepped beside me and pulled the door open. "Sit. You are not getting out of this. You're turning eighteen in three months. You should've already gotten your license by now."

I shivered. "Technically I'm sixteen forever, so you can't pull that card."

He was only amused. "Old enough for a driver's license!"

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