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The Snow-Wolf

We know the story of Jacob Black. But what about his twin sister, Hannah Black. The year she turns 16, her life changes forever. Best friends start abandoning her and the life she knew comes to an end. With unexplained betrayals and temperamental Quileute boys, she comes to learn she is smack dab in the middle of a world of werewolves and vampires. (Suck at summaries)

Fair Warning: this story touches on depression and contemplation of suicide. There is a happy ending, and happiness in between, but it is indeed an emotional ride. I finished this story before posting it, because Hannah became a way for me to cope with my own depression and anxiety. I tried my best not to make her a Mary Sue. She is a typical teenage girl with average grades and terrible coordination.

Also, side note... Hannah's school is not a hundred percent like the actual tribal school in La Push. It's a bit bigger in student population in my story, and I'm certain they do not have far as many classes. But a lot of the other details I tried to keep semi-accurate.

I do not own Twilight, and I am so thrilled Stephanie Meyer came up with this magical world.

Okay. End of rant. Enjoy!


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