Chapter 13: The Rebirth

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Chapter 13: The Rebirth

(Hannah POV)

When you die, they say your life flashes before your eyes. For me, my life truly did flash before my eyes.

The first thing I saw was my mom. She was in her mid twenties, standing in front of me with her beautiful blue eyes. We were in a living room that looked familiar but also different. She held a stuffed elephant with a rattle attached. "Hannah. Can you say mama?"

I giggled. My tiny hand reached for the elephant. "Mama!"

She beamed with delight. "Billy! She said her first word!"

My dad walked in holding my one year old brother in his arms. He looked strong and healthy, being in his mid twenties himself. Jacob grabbed at dad's hair with a giggle.

"I heard Sarah. Now we just need to work on Jake saying anything but no." He looked at my brother. "Say Dad, Jacob."

Jacob grabbed his hair again and gave a tug. "No!"

Dad cringed. "We'll work on it."

The image faded. Another took its place...

"I triple dog dare you!" Eight year old Quil stood before me with his arms crossed. He was a scrawny boy about an inch shorter than me.

Jacob and Embry laughed from where they sat on the porch steps. They looked like their ears were too big for their heads. I knew they would get taller as the years passed.

I huffed. "Fine! But if Rachel finds out I'm blaming you!" I turned and headed into the house. I silently crept through the living room and down the hall to my sister's room. Sneaking in, I searched her messy room for my assignment. I finally found what I was looking for, and I grabbed it. Just as I was about to sneak back out, the light to the room came on.

"HANNAH! What are you doing?!"

I gasped like a deer in headlights. Turning, I saw my twelve year old sister looking at me with fury. Her hair was cut to her shoulders and she had glasses. The glasses were not prescription. She liked to look different from Rebecca since they were identical.

I quickly defended myself. "It wasn't me! Quil told me to do it! He triple dog dared me!"

Rachel stomped over and snatched her diary from my hands. "Out!" She shoved me towards her door and slammed it behind.

Rebecca came out of her room (which was actually a refurbished office room next to Rachel's) to see what was wrong. She had long hair that went past her shoulder blades, and freckles on her tan skin. "Hannah... What did they make you do this time?"

I pouted. "Steal Rachel's diary."

My sister sighed. "Don't let those boys walk over you, Hannah. You've got to woman up. Take charge. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself."

I nodded. "Okay! I'll try!"

The image faded again and a new one came...

This time it was dark. The crickets chirped and the moon was high above. I was sitting in the grass hugging my legs to my chest. My eyes were blurred by tears. My black skirt was damp from the wet grass. "Mommy... why...?" I pressed my face to my knees.

"Hannah..." My ten year old brother stepped over to me. For twins he was already taller than me. His hair brushed to his shoulders but he had it tied back. He still wore the black suit that Embry loaned him. "Come inside... Rachel and Rebecca said that we need to be strong for dad right now."

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