Chapter 11: The Last Day

Start from the beginning

Seth shook his head. "You're two hours late. If you want to see the pretty female warrior though we can watch it again after this."

Embry was horrified. "No!"

I smirked. "Hey, Seth. I know what I want to watch after this."

He twirled my hair on his finger absentmindedly. "Yeah... what's that?"


Embry groaned. "No... that's my least favorite one."

"Then it's a definite," Seth agreed.

It was around noon when Jacob and dad got back to the house. Embry was pouting on the recliner as the fairy godmother started to sing "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo" and twirl her wand.

Jacob came in with horror. "Seth! What have you done?!"

My dad sighed. "Looks like he brought the Disney addiction back." Dad wheeled into the kitchen, wearing a button up and black pants. Jacob was in a nice white button up and dress pants also.

"I let you babysit and you bring back middle school Hannah!" He looked over at Embry. "Why didn't you stop this?!"

Embry sighed. "They were already two movies in. It was too late."

Jacob sighed. He started to unbutton his shirt and spoke while he did. "Quil will be here at six so we can drive over to the party."

Embry groaned. "You're still going to that? I thought she punched you?!"

Jacob smirked. "She'll be glad to see me. But Sam won't let me go unless you both come, and you all owe me one for covering your shifts the other day."

"Hey?! We've been covering your ass to help out with Hannah so you can go flirt with Bella. We don't owe you squat," Embry snapped.

Jacob ignored him and headed to his room. Embry huffed.

Seth seemed thoughtful. "Does make me want to see the Cullens lair. Maybe you could snap some photos?"

Embry shook his head. "From what I hear there's nothing that exciting. No coffins or moates. Boring."

We watched movies for the rest of the day. Seth really meant it when he said he was not letting me do anything but be lazy. After Cinderella I let Seth choose from our VHS collection. He surprised me when he shoved in Beauty and The Beast. I looked at him puzzled. He shrugged. "My mom liked this one when we were kids."

I smiled. "See. You secretly have a Disney heart."

Seth hugged me closer. "Maybe that's why you're my soulmate. To bring back out the Disney in me."

Embry scoffed. "Thank goodness it was you and not me then."

Seth sighed. He whispered in my ear, "Embry's secretly jealous I imprinted on you and he didn't. I think he had a secret crush on you growing up."

Embry snapped with warning, "Shut it Clearwater..." he didn't deny it though and this made me blush. No wonder Embry kissed me. I only felt bad I never returned his feelings.

"Sorry, Embry... you were always just an older brother to me..."

My werewolf friend waved me off. "I'm okay, Hannah. Just know I care for you and that's all that matters. I'll find my imprint one day. I'm a patient guy. Plus, at least I got out of Jacob's wrath. Poor Seth will have to suffer the overprotective brother from now on."

At ten to six, Quil came in the door. We were watching The Lion King. The song "I just can't wait to be king" was on its second verse.

Quil was shocked and ran in to confirm what the others already knew. "No!"

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