Chapter 10 - Mile High Club

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Niall and Harry sat down at the table, harry besides Louis and Niall at the end of the table. They ate and made small talk like always.

"Hey we should go to Vegas" Liam suggested suddenly. Everyone's eyes were on him and they all had the same expression, brows lifted and seemes intrigued by the idea.

"Why not? It's almost Christmas break, we can go then. We already planned spending christmas together this year so we don't need to think about family." Zayn added.

"Okay I'm in" Harry said, Louis put his hand on Harry's thigh. "Me too" he smiled back at Liam.

"Niall?" Niall snapped out if his thoughts. "Yes of coarse!" He yelled exited.

They planned the trip to Vegas while eating the rest of their breakfast. They were going to take a flight on the 25th and be in Vegas until New years. It was already december 23 so they didn't have school or work, only Liam tended to take some extra shifts.

The day went by fast and they were soon going to bed. Louis saw yet again that Zayn, instead of going to his own room, snuck into Liam's room. Louis already knew there was something going on between them, there was just a matter of time until they found out that they both felt the same for each other. Louis fell asleep cuddling his curly headed boyfriend.

The next day he was woken up by Harry planting tons of kisses to all over his face and down his neck. He groaned and opened his eyes as Harry came to meet his eyes. "Happy birthday sunshine" He said and Louis smiled big when he looked at his boyfriend. "Thank you baby" Louis managed to say through his smile before leaning in and planting a kiss on Harry's lips. "I love you" Harry said as his lips left Louis'. "I love you too" Louis said, putting his hand behind Harry's neck and tangeling his fingers in his hair to give him another kiss.

When they got downstairs they were met with the other boys who had mde a nice breakfast and there were a few presants on the table. When they saw Louis and Harry they started singing 'Happy Birthday' to Louis and gave him their presants. From Niall he got a gift card at Nandos, from Liam he got an Adidas hoodie and 3 boxes of yorkshire tea from Zayn.

They spent the day celebrating Louis and packing bags, Liam bought tickets for the flights and booked a hotel in Vegas. Before they knew it, it was christmas morning and they were getting ready to leave. The boys ate a nice breakfast, this time it was Harry and Louis who made it. They gave each other christmas gifts and opened a few from their families.

At 10:30 they were ready to go, so they got a taxi and helped putting their bags in the back of the car. It was a 45 minute ride to the airport so they got there at 11:15. It took them about an hour to get through all the security things, and used approximately 30 minutes to find their gate. they sat there waiting until the plane was going to leave at 12:30.

Niall went to one of the shops to get a sandwich because he was hungry again even though they had packed lunches and ate breakfast before they left. Apparently Niall had already eaten the lunch he packed.

After a few minutes when Niall came back, they were starting to board the plane. They got onto the plane and found their seats, Niall sitting by the window with Louis in the middle and Harry in the seat besides the isle. Then Zayn and Liam on the other side of the isle.

"This flight is gonna be long. Are you all ready for that?" Harry asked mostly pointing the question towards Niall. "Yeah I think so" Niall answered looking a bit nervous.

"Good thing I downloaded some episodes of friends" Louis said to Harry. Harry smiled at him feeling happy that Louis knew him so well.

After an hour Louis and Harry had seen two episodes on friends and Louis had his head on Harry's shoulder. But it wasn't easy to lay still because Harry was growing impatient. He soon stated poking Louis' thigh repeatedly trying to get his attention.

"Loooouuuuuiiiiiis" He whined quietly into Louis' ear. Louis turned his head away from the screen and turned his attention to his boyfriend. "I'm bored" He stuck his bottom lip out and looked at Louis with puppy eyes. Louis couldn't help but kiss his pour away which made Harry smile a small smile.

He then leaned in to whisper seductively in Louis ear. "And horny.." Kissing his earlobe and leaning back in his seat. That didn't exactly make it better for Louis who was growing hard in his sweats.



Since Harry was sat at the far end, he stood up first, walking over to one of the bathrooms. Louis' eyes followed him until he went into a stall. He waited for a few minutes before getting up too. But before he could get out of the row seat, he felt a hand on his arm. When he turned around he saw Niall looking at him with one eyebrow raised.

"What?" He asked, not knowing when Niall was hinting to.

"Really?" Niall asked raising his eyebrow again. "Joining the 'Mile High Club' are ya?"

Louis started blushing as he realized that Niall knew what they were going to do. He just opened his mouth to say something but didn't know what he was gonna say, so he closed his mouth and instead wondered off to where he had seen Harry walk a few minutes ago.

They came back 15 minutes later both a little red in the cheeks after giving each other blowjobs and trying to be as quiet as possible.. now there were only a few hours left.

well hello:) i'm sorry y'all were robbed but oh well. they're going to vegas!! i hoped you liked the chapter, comment and vote. stay safe and i am proud of you.


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