Chapter 5 - Date pt. 1

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As the day grew a little darker, Louis and Harry got ready for the date they had planned. They decided to just go out for pizza and see where it went from there. Harry put on his black skinny jeans and a flower patterned shirt. Louis was wearing a dark blue long shirt and black skinnies.

"You ready babe?" Harry asked from outside the toilet that Louis had occupied. "We're leaving in a few minutes."

"Yeh, be right out" Louis said before walking into the joined bedroom. Harry looked up from his phone to see the blue eyed boy that stood in front of him. He smiled and looked Louis up and down before his smile turned into a smirk.

"You look beautiful" Harry commented before he moved from the bed and walking towords Louis who was showing him his outfit. He put his hands on the smaller boys waist and pulled him closer.  Louis started blushing and looked down.

"What is it?" Harry said and put his index finger under Louis' chin and lifted his head up. Louis just avoided meeting his bright green eyes.

"Uhm, can you maybe, bend down?" He said blushing even more. Harry laughed silently looking at Louis in fond. "And why is that?" He asked with one eyebrow raised and a smug smile. "You know why.."

"No, I don't, did something happen" He said innocently and Louis looked at him with an annoyed look on his face. "You're tall and I wanna kiss you" Louis stuck his bottom lip out and looked away. Harry took his and on his cheek and turned his face towords him again.

"Aww my smol bean" He cooed before bringing his lips to meet Louis'.  They both smiled into the short kiss and broke apart. "We need to get going if we're gonna get there in time" Harry said as he walked out of the door. Louis followed close and slipped his hand in his.

The car ride was filled with just singing to the songs on the radio until they were in the parking lot of the pizza resturant. Harry took Louis' hand and led them over to a table in the end of the resturant.

"This reminds me of our first date" Louis said as he sat down in front of him so they were facing each other. "Yeah, I remember that."


They got to the resturant and sat down at one of the brown booths. Harry pulled out one of the menues and looked at it. "Should we just get the normal cheese pizza?" He asked looking up to meet Louis' eyes for a small moment. "Yeah that sounds good" Louis answered with a small genuine smile.

The ordered their pizza and sodas and used their time to eat up. They had done the mistake of telling the rest if the boys about their date so they weren't surprised when they saw Niall and Liam trying to watch them throught the window.

"I knew they were going to spy on us!" Louis said laughing silently and turning his head away from the window. The finished eating the food laughing and making small talk. When they were done they split the reciept and walked outside.

"Can we go to the mall first? I need to go to the loo" They were walking over a bridge towards the small shopping market on the other side. "Okay"

Harry took their stuff and Louis went to the loo. Afterwards they looked at books for a bit before going outside again. They had actually planned to go to a tower that was in the city, but since the weather started to get bad they decited that it wasn't the best idea to go to the top of a small mountain.

So they walked over to a statue fountain where Harry pulled out a speaker from his pink bag. He put on a playlist with slow songs that he had made especially for this date with Louis.

"Do you want to go to the park?" The shorter boy asked. "Yes" Harry answered getting up from the little step they had sat down on. He reached his hand out for Louis to take and they walked to the park listening to 'La vie en rose'. The thing with Harry and Louis was that they had already been best friends and very cuddely for so long, so it wasn't weird holding hands or anything.

In the park Louis sat down the bag that he had insisted on carrying and took out his phone. They had gotten the idea that they would recreate and take cute couple photos. So he placed his phone down and took on the timer and they did cute poses. After a while they had gotten a few really good photos.

"Do you wanna dance with me?" Harry asked shyly when they were just sitting around. "Yeah, I would love that"

The taller boy put his arms around Louis' sholder while he had his hands resting on his waist. They swayed to the music and sang the words to each other. The song 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran was playing and it reminded Harry of him and Louis, because they were just kids when they fell in love. Love. Yes, it was definetly love.

When the song was over Louis and Harry took their things and moved inside a big bush that was big enought for them to lay a blanket down in. So that was what they did. They put down a blanket and hung up some fairy lights in the branches that Harry also had brought in his bag. They took the chonce (me too) to take some more photos before just laying down on the blanket listening to the music.

Time passed as they laid there cuddling and singing to eachother in the bush. It started raining but they were mostly covered by leaves, only a few raindrops landing on them. They pulled apart from the cuddling position they were laying in and packed their stuff.

Harry used this as an oppertunity to give Louis a card that he had written to him earlier that week when he was with Jade. Louis took the letter from Harry's hands and smiled sweetly at the blush that was starting to cover Harry's cheeks.

They took their stuff and walked out of the bush and to a nearby resturant. It only took a few minutes and they went into the toilets because Harry had to wee.


this took longer than expected cus i lost more than half the fucking chapter. i had over 1100 words and i lost like 700 :( anygays i wrote it again and heres the shittier version. (based on a real date i had) bye

words: 1132

When We Met {L.S.}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें