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"Dude, we gotta tell em." Kyle said. My head was placed in his lap, his fingers running through my curly hair. Even the thought of telling my family traumatized me. No way in hell would that happen.

"Fuck no, dude!" I exclaimed, shooting up. "Do you even want to see me again?!?" Just thinking about losing him was scary to even think about. "Ok well, maybe we can wait on your parents, but it dosen't feel right with NOBODY knowing. "

He had a point. Stan was one for sharing his feelings with others, and never kept himself a secret. I'm suprised he was quiet for this long.

I sighed. "I see your point. But we CAN'T let Cartman find out." It was so hard to say no to him. "Dude, hell no! I'm not crazy!"

We eventually decided it would be best to tell Kenny first. He did'nt talk to many people, and being the only pansexual kid in school, he was obviously understanding.

"Quick! Before Cartman comes!" I called to Stan as we waited for homeroom. As soon as we opened our mouths, Kenny said. "Guys, I'm not fucking blind." Blank stares were cast from Stan and I. Kenny giggled. "I'm actually suprised it took this long! We all knew since 5th grade you guys had a thing." Fuck. How many people knew? "You're fucking kidding me. Ke-" Stan was interrupted. "Still though, lets not tell Cartman. God knows what will happen if he found out he was right."

(AU: Im sorry these are so short!! I really have no idea where I'm heading with this. I'm working on a series of one-shots involving these two, because I'm really indecisive with plots!! Don't worry though, I'm not abandoning this fic :) )

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