Chapter 10

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Macey was glad she stopped by her place to pick up clothes before driving Jake and Alex to Alex's house. She had to ask Alex 7 times for the door code before he finally was awake enough to speak.

After helping herself to one of the guest bedrooms for the night, she showered and dressed in one of her new dresses from Calvin before heading downstairs to rifle through Alex's kitchen for eggs. 

A grunt from the living room told her one of the hungover morons was entering the kitchen.

"I see you're still alive." Macey observed Alex as he padded to one of the chairs at the kitchen counter. His dark hair was sticking in every direction and his stubble had grown in. He looked fitting for the cover of People's Sexiest CEOs in the white T-shirt that wrapped tightly around his chest, but Macey would never say that to his face, of course. No use feeding an already raging ego.

"Was I hit by a car at any point in time last night?" His voice was low and husky. Macey handed him a glass of water.

As she began cooking eggs she peaked over at him and saw his eyes widen.

"Georgia." He said, quickly searching for his phone.

"I wouldn't date you ever again if I were her." Macey grunted but smiled a little.

"What... did you say to her?"

"Nothing that was worse than you lying to her about me being your sister."

Alex groaned and sank into his forearms on the table. Macey walked closer to him with a fresh plate of scrambled eggs.

"I can't eat anything." He said.

"Well you're going to. And you're going to pay for Jake's ride home."

"Jake..." His facial expression slowly changed from confusion to horror. "Is Jake... in my house?"

"Yes." Macey paused before sitting next to him at the counter. "Just... why did you crash my meeting with Jake exactly? We were getting along fine until you walked in with Ms. Future Ex Wife."

Alex's eyes met hers and held his gaze for a long moment. His eyes traveled downwards before he closed them and winced.

"I told you I just happened to stop there with Georgia."

"Stop lying to me." Macey folded her arms but before she could say anything else, a third human shuffled into the kitchen. Jake looked beyond attractive in his slept-in blond hair and dark blue shirt that was from last night. He inched towards them carefully as if he was nervous about stepping on anything.

"What the hell happened?" He looked from Macey to Alex then back again. "Where are we?"

"You're in my house." Alex replied coldly.

Jake pulled a chair out on the other side of Macey. What Alex said to him didn't seem to register as he laid eyes on the water and Advil waiting for him next to a plate of scrambled eggs.

"You really don't remember anything?" Macey asked. He was partially conscious when she loaded him in the vehicle and she was nervous about him remembering how she got him there. He shook his head. "We were playing darts and someone suggested the drinking game... that's all I remember."

Macey smiled as she reached for her own water bottle. Before she opened it she paused. Jake smiled as he peered over at her. "You and those tiny hands." He took the bottle from her and opened it after a loud crack from the seal.

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