Chapter 3

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It was 7AM when Macey was violently shaken awake by her roommate, Cas.

"What happened last night?!" She demanded. "You were so vague last night. I almost texted Jake."

Macey squinted at the early morning light. Her voice was gruffer than a dog's. "I'm too tired."

"I have to go to work in an hour!" Cas complained. "Just tell me or I'll be calling you and neglecting my coworkers."

Macey peered through her eyelashes "Where were you last night anyways?" She turned around from her stomach and sat up, adjusting her cozy long sleeved shirt.

"I went out with Luke kinda late. He wanted to see the new Avengers movie."

Ah, right, right. Cas had been dating Luke for almost a month now. Macey still didn't know much about him besides the fact he was pretty well off and seemed to be treating Cas well. He had delivered 100 red roses to their tiny apartment last weekend, prompting a rare raised eyebrow from Macey. Besides one boyfriend in high school, Cas hadn't been in any other committed relationships. This was the first time Macey noticed her behaving so... into someone. It made her smile.

"Luke is setting you up with someone next weekend. Be there or I will actually move out."

"That's harsh." Macey replied.

"So really what happened? I only have 10 minutes so just get to the good stuff."

Mother of fudge. And here Macey thought it had all just been a dream.

She relayed the events of the night before in the best detail she could. She shivered when talking about the attack.

"So, Jake knows then."

"No" She paused. Unless that rich punk told him already. "I think."

"Two men get beat to a pulp and both of them say it's you... Jake would have to be pretty dense not to think about it. "

"The guy I saved helped me."

"He sounds kind of cute from how you're describing him." 

He was... handsome. Macey was completely blind to it when Jake was around, though, and hadn't allowed herself to really process this stranger in full detail.

"And he knows what you can do. I wonder what he must be thinking about that."

Macey didn't really know or care at this point, she'd probably never see him again.

She shrugged at the comment and opened her phone. She had 3 messages... from Jake??

"What is it?" Cas pressed.

"Oh... nothing! I forgot I have an interview today." She cringed at the tiny white lie. She did have an interview today but she had forgotten about until just then. A position was open at the café her and Cas frequented together. She figured it could be easy money until she found something more permanent.

"I forgot that was today. Good Luck!"

Macey knew she should start focusing on that but somehow that was hardly important now... Jake had sent her messages last night! She opened them as soon as Cas left the room.

Did you get home safely?

You must have gone to bed. Call me tomorrow morning.

Jake, Macey and Cas had all been good friends growing up. She was used to texting with Jake and the three of them meeting up to go out frequently, but that all changed when he started dating Chelsea. It was his first "real" relationship and it naturally took him away from their friendship. This was the first time she had received even one text message from him in a while.

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