Chapter 8

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Macey awoke to the sound of an ambulance siren. So loud! She covered her ears and lept out of bed. What could be causing such—her hand covered her mouth as she approached the window. Several police and an ambulance were parked at the fenced-off construction site across the road.

There was a pounding on the door.

Macey slipped a robe on and wrestled her long hair into a ponytail. She raced down the short number of steps that led into the kitchen and then down the stairs leading to the mudroom and the front door.

"Jake." She breathed as she saw him standing there like a statue. His chiseled jawline was covered in blonde stubble and his normally bright blue eyes looked tired.

"Macey, I'm glad you're alright." His eyes closed as if finally relaxing about something. "You didn't answer my call, I was worried."

Macey apologized quickly. "I was just sleeping, but I'm late for work now." She was up much later than intended, she'd have to dress and leave very soon.

"When I saw the strange car out front—" Macey forgot the Mercedes was parked next to hers. How to explain that...

Seconds later, Cas appeared behind Macey.

"Jake what's going on?" She rasped in her sleepy voice.

"There's been another murder—we have a few suspects but had to let them go after this one. This person is attacking at night and managing to do it away from where he can be caught on security footage. All the residents are being warned."

He sighed, looking back at Macey. "I don't know if I like you both being here. Do you have any other places to stay for a day or two? Or until we get this figured out?"

Macey nodded. "We'll think of something."

That seemed to calm him a little. "I need to get back over there. I'll call you later."

He rushed back to the scene and Macey wondered if they should cancel their drink meeting later. She didn't want to but it looked like he could use the rest instead. The thought of him hurting over all this made her ache.

"Tough life being a police officer." Cas muttered as she rushed to her room.

Multiple murders in two days... This would become a serial case, as Jake had taught her in the past. And if they were connected what was the message? Every serial murder has a message.

Macey dressed in one of her new shirts with an older pencil skirt and pulled her hair back. She didn't apply face makeup but washed and applied tinted moisturizer, making her skin look shiny and soft. Only a little mascara allowed today after what happened yesterday evening.

A buzz on her phone notified her that she had a message.

Macey this is Alex. Are you alright? I'm just seeing the news.

She typed quickly.

Cas and I are fine. I'm about to leave.

He replied back within seconds.

Be careful.

She proceeded carefully towards the Mercedes while looking towards the construction on the opposite side of the road. The news had already spread like wildfire: Second Murder in Back Bay near Apollo Construction. The worries started flooding through Macey's mind as she drove. She remembered what Alex told her. I've upset a lot of people with this Apollo deal.

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