Day 1: Oslo [Norway]

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Chan was giggling to himself, skipping along, holding his dad's hand tightly to avoid getting lost in the streets of Oslo. Seungcheol chuckled, looking down at the big grin that had stayed on his son's face ever since arriving here twenty minutes ago.

The meeting with their fellow families and the tour guides was scheduled at the hotel they would be staying at for the night at 6pm, which left the two with 15 minutes to spare and walk around the city.
Oslo was truly beautiful and the blonde man couldn't help but stop sometimes, admiring the buildings and pretty parks they came across. Chan whined every time, but grew silent as he eventually found something interesting too every time.
The city was big and lively, people of all ethnicities and kinds walking past the family, languages from all over the world reaching their ears. 

They ended up reaching the lobby of the hotel at 6:05pm, Seungcheol apologising sheepishly as he burst into the room filled with men and women of all ages and from all over the world, with their children running around the spacious room.
Nobody seemed to mind them being a little late, as the tour guides still hadn't arrived and they all knew first hand how exhausting and unpredictable travelling with small kids could be.

Seungcheol led his son to one of the few sofas spread all through the room, where nobody except a woman in her 30s and a small girl maybe around Chans age were sitting.

"May we sit here?", the blonde asked and the woman nodded, scooting closer to the edge and muttering something in her native language to her daughter.
Chan sat down next to her and grinned, stretching out his hand.

"Can I touch your hair? 's is pretty!", he exclaimed, giggling.

Seungcheol sucked in a breath and was just about to scold his son and tell him off for not even introducing himself and asking such a question straight away, but the mom interrupted him, this time speaking in english with a heavy european accent. 
"It's fine, dont worry. Anne isn't much of a talker but she'll tell him off if she's uncomfortable."

"Oh okay then - he's actually politer, I'm guessing jetlag and the new city and everything are taking a toll on him."
Seungcheol shrugged and sat down too, watching Chan as he slowly placed a hand on the girl's blonde curls, turning to look at his dad with sparkling eyes. 

"Fluffy!", he giggled, "Just like your hair, daddy!"

"That's great, but don't you think you should greet your new friend first?", his dad asked, voice stern but still laced with a little laughter. 

"'m sorry." Chan let his hand leave the girls hair and smiled shyly at her. 
"Am Channie! I like your hair!"

"Anne." Her voice was faint and Seungcheol noticed how she hid behind her hair when answering. 
He turned to the mother, who was watching her daughter, smiling softly to herself.

"She's a little shy, huh?"

"Oh yeah! It's her first time meeting people outside her kindergarten", the mom nodded, "But I think she likes your son already. She's usually much quieter."

Seungcheol nodded along. "I'm Choi Seungcheol by the way, and that's my son Chan."

"It's nice to meet you." The woman smiled at him, "My name is Sophie. We're from Hungary - I'm guessing you two are either from Japan or Korea?"

"Uhm no, I live in New York - Chan was actually born there, and i moved before entering College. I lived in South Korea before that though."
Seungcheol couldn't really decide whether to scold Chan or leave them alone - Anne seemed a little scared, as the boy was talking away, being as energetic as ever. But in the end she even answered sometimes and giggled along with him, so the blonde decided to leave them alone.
Finding a friend for the trip might be good for Chan - and for him.
He could use someone to tag along with.

"I'm sorry", Sophie mumbled, "I just assumed you were from your home state."

"No worries, its okay."

"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, may we have your attention please?"

The tour guides had entered the room, two young men in casual outfits with name tags hanging around their necks. Seungcheol couldn't read what was written on them from across the room but there was no need anyways, as the two introduced themselves first thing.

"Hi, I'm Hong Jisoo and I'll be one of the two guides accompanying you throughout this trip", the shorter of the two, a young man with soft facial features and pink hair greeted in a loud voice, before stepping back just a little to focus the attention on his colleague.

The second man was a little taller and had black hair cut at the length of his chin, framing his handsome face beneficially and giving him a fresh, young look.
"And my name is Yoon Jeonghan, and I'll help Jisoo out."

"Now, please listen carefully - we'll go through all important informations, which will also be included in the envelope given to you after this. We won't take too long and you may go to your designated hotel room afterwards and sleep off the jetlag."

Jisoo continued on with all the things like insurance, the payment and safety things; Seungcheol tried to listen to everything, but sometime in between his attention got pulled to Chan and Anne who were talking animatedly on the sofa next to him, having fun quietly.

The first day couldn't have gone any better and the blonde man was already looking forward to tomorrow, the tour guides seemed really nice and the other families too.

He would have to read through the whole envelope tonight, though, because he didn't remember a single thing as he finally stood in their hotel room, listening to Chan tell him about how cool Anne was.

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