Help [sad fluff]

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TW: Anxiety, and a sad Sayaka.

Mukuro's POV.

I sighed as I made some tea. Sayaka’s sick today, so she had to cancel her concert scheduled for today. She insisted for the concert not to be postponed, but it would be unhealthy for her to be performing on strange when she's so sick.

I carried the tea in a tray and walked to Sayaka’s room. “Tea’s ready, your favorite, as you requested.” She weakly got up.

“Thank you, Mukuro..” She said as she sipped her tea. “I’d– I’d really appreciate it if you'd leave for a bit, darling..” She said, she sounded tired.

I nodded, exiting the room. I can't help but worry for her. I hopped onto the couch, and before I knew it I was slowly drifting off to sleep.

Time skip brought to you by my dead snake

My eyes shot wide open. I heard a weeping noise coming from upstairs. Nobody's else in this house, of course it's Sayaka. I sprinted as fast as I could to her room.

“Sayaka! What’s wrong!?” I burst through the door and held her shoulders. She wasn't looking at me, but she was clearly crying, I could hear her.

I placed my finger on her chin and pushed her face upward to meet mine. “Tell me what's wrong. I wanna help.” She hyperventilated for a bit before letting her head rest on my chest.

“It’s- What if people hate me? It may sound nothing to some people.. But the thought of being disliked, I hate it..” She said, muffled.

“Even if I missed this concert, I fear people could dislike me because of it..” I hugged her. “No, you don't have to worry about those kind of stuff.”

“Even if people dislike you, there will still be people out there who love you.” I gently smiled. “And among those people, I love you the most.”

She hugged back. “I know you do..” She smiled. I placed her on my lap, ensuring she was safe. She still sobbed, telling everything that was on her mind.

I didn't say a word. I just listened, but I think that's what she needs right now. A good listener. I kissed her forehead, I wanted to make her feel as if she was safe, but at the same time she needed help.

After everything, she fell asleep on my arms. I sighed in relief that I got to make her feel that she wasn't alone. “Love you..” I whispered, though knowing she couldn't hear me.

And I slowly drifted off to sleep..

(Uh- this is sorta a vent since my gf is sad at the moment and I wanna be there for her but I can't since y'know, lockdown)

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