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" now its war outside "

                               𝐁𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐯𝐞

𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐄 𝟏𝟏𝐓𝐇 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟕 | 𝟏𝟐:𝟏𝟓 𝐀𝐌

Karee babbles to Kairo clapping his chubby hands together while looking at Kai as they're  sitting on Ala bed together

"Yall having fun"Ala questioned walking into thw bedroom leaning on the doorway of her bedroom door

"Its Karee bed time"She added on making Kairo smack his lips

"Aw your mama lame"

"Come on Karee"Ala called for him,he climbs down off of Kairos lap running over to his mama bumping into her leg,Ala motions for him to walk out the room so she could follow behind

"A"Kai called her before she leaves out the room getting her attention


"How was your convo with Richie"Kairo asked about Benny brother,Richie who is currently incarcerated serving the fourth and last year of his sentence on accessory of a crime

"Oh same ole same ole...asking about how everybody doing ,he gonna send me money for myself,Karee and B Jr"

"Have you gone to see him recently"Kai asked her and she shakes her head no

"Nope,been working my ass off"Ala answered him truthfully,shes been to see him a couple of times but the last time was three weeks ago

"You still work"

"Yes and dont worry im on desk duty"Ala answered him rubbing her belly as she feels the baby start kicking

"If you wanna stay theres a pull out couch right there or if you wanna go in the nursery you can...the living room is also an option but you gotta get up outta my bed"

"What about Karee"

"What about him"Ala asked furrowing her eyebrows trying to understand his question

"You ever gonna put him in daycare-"

"Not yet,Lisa will have my head..your father said he has no problem taking him around to look at restaurant spaces so that is where he'll be"Ala answered him before she dismisses herself by leaving the room going to put Karee to bed

𝟤:𝟦𝟧 𝖯𝖬

Kairo takes a deep breathe out sitting at the metal picnic table in the jail meeting room surrounded by other people waiting for their loved ones to come and see them

"Aww dammit"

"Hey excuse me"A man called Kairo gaining his attention,the man saw the tired look of Kais face and felt bad for the question he's about to ask him

"Im sorry to bother you but do you have a dollar so I can get something from the vending machine"

"Yea..."Kai answered the man digging in his black ripped jeans pocket for loose change,he pulls out a dollar giving it to the man

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