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now playing:
jungle-a boogie wit da hoodie
0:01 ❍─────── 2:00
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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
" You been plottin', nigga, wasn't you? I shoulda never even fucked with you "

The back window opened and Grey started to unload the clip on him the hot bullets piercing and ripping through Kai's body and flesh Kai didnt even try to run he just let it happen

He got knocked and believe me I did everything in my power not to fall but it happened next thing I knew...

" Lu-Lul"Kairo tried to call out but his voice was low,I tried to roll myself to get up it worked but I only rolled over now i'm looking up at the sky and the deli

It hurt to move and there was ringing in my ear which can only be described as terrible,Abella was inside I could only hear faintly her calling my name

"Papa"Abella continued to call his name coming outside,he wants to move and tell her to just stay inside but he couldn't do anything

I couldn't do anything to stop her from witnessing this terrible scene,that'll probably scar her for the rest of her life

"Papa"Abella got closer seeing her father laid out on the ground a pool of blood forming around him

"N-No" Kai choked out as she walked over and touched his hand making him move it away the best he could,he takes a big gasp of air and Kairo's eyes travel down noticing a cut on Abellas forearm

"Papa hurt"


"Your phone papa"

" Pocket "I choked out watching her walk over to her I see the injury more in view

Kai had been shot 15 times his body was in a horrific state being only Abella was with him she was his last hope

Abella went over to her father's body reaching in the pocket of his grey sweatpants getting the phone to call 911

Little did they know some neighbors had already called 911

"Papa you gotta stay awake for me"Abella spoke to her father unaware of how his condition really his

Bullet wounds taking up majority of his front from his head area down to his feet,the Jordans he is wearing had holes in them from the bullets blood was everywhere

"Hello"Abella spoke in the phone that it was on her ear not knowing if the operator had picked up or not

"911 whats your emergency,fire,medical or police"

"Umm"Abella hummed clueless as to what to say,it gets quiet on the line for a moment 

"Hello"The operator called again now on the other end looking up where the call is coming from

"Are you calling from the address 150-17 L and Family Deli"The operator asked and Abella looks around finally looking at the sign of the deli

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