II - "Anger" [ACT I]

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(Note: The translation of the dialogue in Esperanto / Latin is in parentheses right next to the text)

"...understand this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger,for man's anger does not bring about the righteousness that God desires..."

- James 1:19-20 -


I have the ability to be absent, how to say... "Spiritually" and physically, but I don't have the choice not to witness the judgment. In truth that I am always listening, everywhere, and my "eyes" are the eyes that sees everything... There is no human wisdom that can understand this concept.

- Hello? Where am I? Can you... Aaaahrrr! What's that? Again?!

At that moment an excruciating pain takes her over due to an absolutely powerful sound. It affects her with more intensity so, that said, she still feels her humanity in its entirety. She is not awakened: Like any other being in the universe she resists, she blocks out her own enlightenment, which in turn impedes transcendence and understanding.

The sound makes her kneel, eyes closed and hands to ears, since it was as if her eardrums were struck by an unbearable sound frequency. This is what made her not continue the sentence she was uttering: The pain.

Behold, from the moment she fell to her knees, the Son of God appeared standing there and around him were Three Angels and All Four stood before her.

The Three Angels each played a trumpet. It is imperative to report that no sound in the entire creation, of all time lines, existences and universes is more powerful than that of these artifacts in specific: I, the Light, say that they are objects of infinite celestial power.

I give faith in the little that humans have elucidated regarding the vast angeological character, for each Angel is truly distinct both in dress and in phenotype.

I can describe it: One of the Angels, beside the Son of God, has long dark hair up to the waist line, golden wings and an armor similar to that of a Powerful Spartan Warrior. This Angel has blue eyes of the color of the earthly sky and a sword, similar to that of a Templar, attached to his waist. There is also a shield attached to his Arm with the design of the Symbol Ω Omega.

There's another one with feminine appearance in its phenotype as predominance. Any human, independent of sex, would say to be the most beautiful and quiet woman ever seen to step on the planet as soon as this celestial were seen.

Her wings were white as the snow that covers the whole extension of the north and south poles of the Earth. His hair was curly and his face resembled that of the people who inhabit the earthly continent called Europe. His eyes are green and her garnments are a silver armor that shine like the aurora borealis.

These robes contain open and closed parts, from feet to bust. I can say that the appearance of Joan of Arc, portrayed and painted by the humans artists in the 19th Century of the Gregory calendar, is grandiosely similar to this angelical being mainly the armor. 

The Third and Last Angel is the highest of all and the strongest physically, if an ordinary human being could have been evaluating. His skin is magnificently dark, like that of the peoples of the African continent.

There is what men call a goatee around his mouth, there being in symmetry and detail with the face, which makes the countenance of this Angel the most serious among the Three. His face inspires that of a noble and just King and his wings are gray with his eyes, sometimes, releasing small electric rays.

I attest that the reason for this is that they are containing, in fact, a galaxy: Each Angel have a pair de constelations in his eyes while they are in a state of divine grace. These eyes change color slowly. The garments of this Angel are black and golden in tone, with a sword on each side of his waist.

Interesting that, in a human paradigm, I could affirm that he wears the same Armor that the man named Gustave Moreau painted on the picture of a knight between 1889 and 1890 of the earthly life count after the ascension of Christ...

Some Angels are... Proud. They do not allow any being to have the view of their true forms entirely. While the other two, the one with spartan look anthe beauty woman, hide their true eyes in the presence of the defendants, the other one seems different. I wouldn't know the reason, but I respect this intriguing behavior.

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