4.5🚔Yet Greater Consequences 👮🏿‍♂️

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One of the strangers held a long stick-like object in hand. Then in mere seconds, the area he stood in illuminated, providing them with a brief visual of him. He dressed in all black and wore a baseball cap, which casted a shadow across his face. The light reflected off of an object dangling around his neck. A chain maybe?

"DPD," a deep voice spoke out to them. "what we got going on here?" his flashlight scanning the faces of the teens.

He stepped forward, the noise made from the gravel under his boots caused Tray to feel uneasy. Now offered a clear visual of the man, he had to be in his mid thirties. The walkie talkie on his hip chirped and a dispatch came over.

"You got pills on you?" he whispered to Tuck.

He slowly bobbed his head, panic flooded his face. If facial expressions could talk, he'd be screaming damn!

For he understood the grave consequences he was to face from the small baggy of perks stuffed in his back pocket. He looked for a brief window for him to ditch the baggy—yet being in the view of both officers—it was a done deal on the idea.

"We chill'n." Darrell spoke up. "what y'all want?"

The officer's light went from their faces to the dice and money scattered on the ground.

"Guess this is just street Monopoly, huh?" the older cop said sarcastically, "Come on, up against the wall!" he ordered harshly, spit particles flying from his rotten mouth.

"Fuck man!"

"Any of you have weapons or sharp objects on you?" he asked, his light shone in their eyes, attempting to see if they were intoxicated.

The second cop—who looked much younger—stood behind the boys making sure no one made any sudden moves. 

"Aye, get that damn light out my face." Tray barked, shielding his eyes with his hand.

"Oh we got a live one here!" the cop boasted, a smirk forming.

He looked Tray up and down, studying the boy's face, then said, "you know.. I seen you somewhere before.." he pointed his finger in Tray's face, with almost complete certainty.

Tray sucked his teeth all while looking the cop up and down, "You don't know me mafucka!"

The man looked at Tray with a half smirk as he shook his head, "See, kid, you talk too much," the older cop replied, patting Tray's shoulders.

"was gonna have a lil' chat with you boys, then let you go on your way with a warning... now your mama gonna get a call from the detention center."

Hearing this, Tray quickly glanced at Tuck and could visibly see the wary in his boy's face. Telling by the rapid eye movement, he sensed Tuck's mind was racing. The cop turned to his younger partner,

"Search them while I grab extra cuffs." The man then walked off in quick strides toward the vehicle.

As he was instructed, the second cop kept his sight on the boys, "Hands on the wall, spread your legs!" He ordered, forcing Tuck against the brick wall, kicking his feet apart.

Tuck made a face out of frustration and stared the cop down with a grimacing expression.

"Turn your black ass around!" The man spat, then continued patting down the side of Tuck's jeans.

"Look what we got here boss." The cop said, presenting a baggy of perks from the boy's back pocket.

Suddenly Tuck sends an elbow into the cop's jaw, causing him to crash onto the ground. Instantly all the boys including Tray, took off running in all directions. Tray darted for the backyard. A distance behind him were the voices of both men shouting,

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