Everything Goes South

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Deep in the underground section of the Xavier Institute, Sabretooth was finally waking up from his encounter with the X-Men. He glanced around the fairly comfortable quarters they'd provided, seeking out where the exit was.

Last time it was a breeze. Push the barrier and let it zap him until it just gave out. He smirked to himself. Stupid goody two shoes actually took the bait. He pulled his boot off and shook a small metal device out onto the floor. As he picked it up, he laughed a little to himself before he pressed a button on the end of it and stuck it under his bunk. He'd teach that uppity little frail to run from him.

He leaned back and relaxed knowing it would just be a matter of time before his employer sprung him and snatched up the runt and the girl. Just thinking about her made his claws itch. They'd promised to give her to him if the tests didn't work out. He was mad as hell when they did, and beyond livid when she gutted him with those damn claws. If it weren't for those frikkin' claws ... he shook his head with a growl.

Plenty of time for dealing with her later. First, he'd get to break the Runt. Watch him lose it while they finished up what they started with her, then he'd make sure to have his fun when she was a little less breakable.

He smiled to himself, hoping that he play with her where Logan had to hear it. Or see it. The thought got to him and he focused on it with an air of anticipation. Yeah, that's the way it'd go down. And when he was broken up about all they did to her, then the real fun would start.

The professor had promised to wipe Logan from her mind entirely and take the Runt down to a drooling doorstop again. That was what sealed the deal. He looked at the clock outside of his cell. Wouldn't be long now.

Logan's eyes popped open. He glanced around his room wildly while his heart felt as if it was trying to pound right out of his chest. He looked over at K, who was sitting up next to him, her eyes wide and the apprehension plain to see on her face. They glanced at each other and wordlessly scrambled out of bed as Logan screamed for Jean in his head. They had frantically pulled on enough clothing to cover what was necessary then run from his room. Jean was at the door of her room, looking frazzled as they approached her.

"I don't understand ... Logan what's going on?" Jean asked alarm in her voice.

"Choppers, Jeannie .... a bunch of them – they're not far off either. Get everyone up and out. now!" Logan barked as K rushed down the stairs, Logan on her heels. He spun her around by her elbow when they reached the bottom.

"Where the hell d'you think you're goin'?" he asked. His voice was stressed, but it didn't outwardly show – easily stuffed down from years of dealing with this kind of mess.

"Do you have any weapons?" K asked with a stony look on her face.

He shook his head and nearly relaxed when he realized she wasn't running out on them. "Not something we keep around," he replied as she started pacing. "At least, not enough to fight them with."

The hallway erupted with quiet disorder as the students began to stream past them to the lower levels, funneling to their planned escape routes, and escorted by the staff of the Institute.

Charles approached the duo quietly. "The children will be clear in a matter of minutes. There are at least a dozen units on their way. We should leave," Charles said looking up to Logan. "All of us."

Logan looked irritated as he told K to go with Charles before he turned and walked the other way.

With a frown, she watched him take a few steps before she got angry. "And what the hell are you doing if the rest of us are supposed to slip out?" She called out to him, her frustration getting the better of her.

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