34. Not All Fairytales End in Happily Ever After

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       "Hey!" Those dancing cheered as they came together before expanding the circle. They all swung their partners, gliding over the dance floor as the beat accelerated. The band had gotten more into the music, as those sitting around began clapping to the beat. They swung with their arms, each person dancing moving on to their next partner.

       "Why aren't you out there?" Camilla teased and Flora rolled her eyes, but chuckled.

       Flora looked down at her baby bump lovingly. "I will once this little one is born."

       "Only one month left," Camilla smiled. "I cannot wait to meet my nephew or niece. May I ask you a question?"

       "Of course," Flora nodded, turning her full attention to the young princess.

       "Why have you not revealed the gender yet?" Camilla asked.

       "Well, Guilia and Rebecca explained that it is tradition to reveal the gender of a royal baby until their birth." Flora explained.

       Camilla smirked. "Look at you, finally following royal traditions."

       Flora laughed knowing what Camilla was referring to. There were some rules royals had to follow that Flora did not. "Yes," Flora agreed. "But this was one tradition Hayden and I chose to follow."

"Can I know? Pretty please?" Camilla begged.

It did not take long for Flora to give in and the brunette leaned down to whisper the gender in Camilla's ear. She grinned from ear to ear as she gasped. Flora giggled at her reaction and placed her index finger on her lips, gently saying, "shh."

"The secret is safe with me," Camilla grinned as she pretended to zip up her mouth. The young princess scurried away happy to know the gender of her unborn nephew.

Flora giggled, but her laughter turned into a wince as she felt a sharp pain on her lower abdomen. Her eyes teared up as fear consumed her. "No, no, no." She cried out.

The brunette feared she was losing her child as the same had happened to her best-friend. Flora mustered all the strength in her stood up from the chair, clutching her bump. Hayden who had been dancing, noticed the state his wife was in and immediately rushed over to her.

"Flora!" He called out as he helped his wife stand up straight. "What is wrong?"

Flora had tears rolling down her eyes, fearing the worst. Benjamin rushed over as well as the rest of the royal family. "The baby," Flora whimpered. "I think I'm losing him."

"No," Hayden shook his head not wanting to believe it.

"Ahh!" Flora's scream pierced through the gardens. A loud splash followed and they all looked down at the watery liquid on the ground.

       "My dear, you are going into labor." Guilia said and Flora looked at her panicked.

       "But she has one month left." Hayden replied.

       "And the royal physician is out of the country." Rebecca added.

       "Antonio prepare a vehicle! Benjamin get four groups to escort us!" Hayden ordered and the two men did as told.

       "Where will you take her?" Guilia asked.

       "A hospital!" Hayden barked as he picked up his wife who squirmed in pain. It was not traditional for royal babies to be delivered in any hospital, but the situation was dire.

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