00. Prologue

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      The neon lights danced along to the rhythm of the music blasting through the speakers. Both drunk and half-drunk figures swayed to the beat on the dance floor. To the far corner of the club, sitting on one of the bar stools was a twenty-year-old brunette. She stared at her co-workers who were having more fun than her at the moment. As she sipped the sweet pineapple liquor through her umbrella straw she questioned why she had decided to accompany them to this noisy scenario instead of going back to her college dorm and binge watching her all time favorite show, Reign, in the warm comforts of her bed.

       "C'mon Flora, drink some shots with us." Her redheaded companion urged but Flora simply turned her down as she had done the past seven times she asked. The young brunette was not one to party hard as most her age tended to do. She was quite reserved to herself and tended to stick to her anti-social ways, which once again brought the question of why she had agreed to this scenario.

       "You promised Indiana," she said to herself, remembering the promise she had made to her best friend about being more social and living life a little more. With a heavy sigh, she turned to the barista. "One tequila shot, please."

       The barista was quick to pour the honey brown liquid onto the shot glass and slice a green lime for the awaiting brunette. Flora put her brave face and downed the burning liquid before taking a quick bite from her sour lime. With squinted eyes, Flora shook her head to try and rid herself of the strong burning feeling. After composing herself from the blow, Flora slammed the small shot glass into the polished countertop and made her way to the dance floor. The lights glistened upon the brunette's medium complexion. Her ash brown hair swung along with her hips and the dark blue silk dress she wore was enough to captivate the eye of every bachelor in the club. With the tequila running through her bloodstream and the sensual beat of Señorita filling her ears, the brunette moved herself to the rhythm. Flora lost herself in the song and was oblivious of the many hungry stares she was receiving.

       "May I dance with you?" A deep husky voice whispered into Flora's ear startling her in the process. His firm hands were placed on her waist, but she was quick to remove them.

       "I am drunk but I am not that dr--" Flora was astounded by the man who stood in front of her. His dark locks were brushed back neatly, their raven shade complimenting his pale skin and manly figure. Everything about him screamed handsome and powerful, but despite her slight tipsiness and strong attraction to this stranger, her sense remained in tact and she proceeded to walk away. The persistent stranger opted to follow the beauty to the bar. Flora was surprised to find her hot stranger sitting beside her.

       "Two double vodka lemonades." The stranger ordered and the barista was quick to get his order to him. "If you won't dance with me than at least have a drink with me."

       Flora was hesitant but took one of the drinks and brought it close so she could smell it. "How do I know that you didn't put anything inside of it?" She questioned with a raised brow.

       The stranger's rich laugh filled Flora's ears which only made her attraction for him to grow. "The drink was prepared right in front of you, signorina." It was then that Flora noticed the slight italian accent the stranger had.

       "So, tell me dear stranger, why are you so interested in me?" Flora questioned, her flirty tone apparent to the stranger. "There are many beautiful girls here who would enjoy your company."

       "There is something that interests me about you, signorina." The stranger answered as Flora drank the cold liquor offered to her. It had a sweet taste, but left a small burning sensation in her throat at the end.

       "The fact that they wouldn't deny you, like I am?" Flora questioned as she moved a little closer to the stranger. She was surprised that she had let the conversation carry on for this long, usually she was one to cut a man off immediately and send him on his merry way. She blamed the alcohol for her sudden confidence and state of mind.

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