14. New Year, New Home

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AUTHOR'S NOTE - In celebration that this book has reached 2k and #3 in royalromance, I decided to post this chapter a few days earlier than planned. Thank you so much for all the support my lovelies, it really means a lot. Hope you enjoy!

       The Range Rover came to a slow stop in front of the awaiting private jet. Benjamin was the first to step out and opened the door for Flora and Hayden. He helped the nervous brunette out as they were greeted by the flashing of cameras which illuminated the darkness. Hayden led Flora to the jet stairs where they would answer the press's questions.

       "Are you excited to be heading to Italy?" One of the reporters asked.

Flora tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and nodded. "I am more than thrilled to finally be visiting my husband's homeland and visiting its people." She answered.

       "Are you saddened by the fact that you will not be able to spend New Years Eve in New York?"

       "I will most definitely miss this city, but like I said, I am looking forward to spending this new year in my new home." Flora replied.

       "This next question is out of the topic, but when can we expect the news of an heir?"

       Flora let out a nervous chuckle not knowing how to respond to the question. Hayden laughed the question off and replied, "All at its due time."

       "The princess and prince must get going." Stephanie announced. "Thank you all for your presence tonight, I can answer any other questions or concerns."

       Flora and Hayden waved goodbye at the crowd of reporters before turning on their heel and boarding the private jet. Benjamin, Micaela and Indiana followed after them. Flora welcomed the warmth of the jet with open warms as she took her seat and threw the heating blanket over her cold bare legs.

Hayden took the seat in front of her, resting his chin on his knuckles, he turned to the brunette. "How are you feeling?"

       "Nervous," Flora confessed as she fiddled with the ring Hayden had given her. "Do you think they'll like me?"

"I am quite confident they will." He assured, but Flora's worrisome look did not leave her face. "You have done an outstanding job thus far and in all aspects are the true definition of a princess — a more modern princess — but a princess of the people nonetheless."

       Flora nodded her head trying to assure herself that all would be well, especially if Hayden was convinced she was ready. Hayden sighed and took a hold of Flora's hands.

       "Look what you've done so far, you visited every children at the hospital, making sure they all were happy. You bought food, clothing and toys for orphaned children. The Italian people will love you." Hayden continued, hoping the brunette next to him would gain some confidence in herself.

Flora stared at Hayden, her lips slightly parted not knowing how to react. Especially when her hands were in his touch, she felt a tingly sensation traveling all of her body.

       "Thank you," Flora said as she looked up at Hayden with a grateful smile.

       Flora slipped her hands out of Hayden's as she turned to look out the window. Hayden gave her a small saddened smile, missing the brunette's warm touch. Hayden's diverted his gaze and looked down at the wedding band on his finger, remembering how he would always tell his parents he would never get married, let alone fall in love — but here he was.

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