Not Even The Tide

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Crystal shrunk away from the door, terrified of the conversation.

For her father's words stung each covered secret, pulled each carefully buried string. What if they found out everything?

Panic gripped her for a hot second, the faded. They could only become angry if they knew the whole story.

And a part of the story was gone. Burned forever. Scratch away from all recollection. If they could find it, if her father could find it, then he was braver than she thought him.

Crystal slowly slipped further down the hall. However, the further she went, the deeper shame burrowed into mind. She was letting her sister endure this verbal punishment, all for who she was. Sicora did not choose darkness, it simply chose her. And now Sicora paid the price, at least in this kingdom.

Crystal shivered and sped along quite quickly now, afraid of what may arise if she looked back. The stone flooring seemed never ending and the walls blurred.

She swam faster than she'd ever had. To all who looked on it may have seemed just seconds, but to Crystal it was a painful eternity.

Her hands met intricate coral, nose nearly colliding with the ornate door.

Her quarters.

She flung open the door and collapsed on the rock that passed as a mattress. Crystal breathed deeply.

After many moments, it finally occurred to her that it might be a good idea to close the door.

As she swept her long, curving tail through the azure waters, her frazzled mind slowed its frightened pace and settle, like the ocean floor's pale sand after a great race.

The door was heavy, big and looming, but useful during attack. With determination, she shut it, effectively shutting out the livid voices breaking the previous serenity of the bunker in to a million pieces.

Her determination was short lived.

As soon as the door closed, she sunk to the sandy floor, clutching her stomach, riddled with unhealed wounds. Her sobs echoed through the small room.

Not even the tide knows.

Me and my annoying geek brain thought that this title was Yoda for 'the tide isn't even' when I first read this. I watch too much Star Wars.

Crystal's Secret first draftWhere stories live. Discover now