part 22

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The next day
The members were all gather outside at the living room discussing about the plan to admit shuhua back into the hospital

2h ltr
Soojin and shuhua has finally left the room only to see the members gathering in a circle. Shuhua altho  curious about what going on she didn't feel like speaking hence she kept her silence meanwhile soojin who look at the members facial expressions  suddenly rmb about what she and soyeon spoke about yst and was dreading the moment of having to break it to shuhua.
The members immediately get up upon sight of them and act like nth happenings they then proceed to the kitchen where soojin began preparing their breakfast. The members gather round the table not bringing up yst incident afraid of triggering shuhua they began chatting about anything like how yuqi fell due to not looking where she walking or soyeon talking about the process of the song making is half way done and so on.

Soojin pov
As I was cooking shuhua and the members breakfast I can't help but smile at how the members were chatting up storm while except shuhua but looking at her smile I can't help but be extremely please till I rmb that we are gonna admit her to the hospital in a few hours time . Ik shuhua gonna refuse and feel extremely betray by us but it for her good I'm gonna miss having her by my side hopefully she will get better fast and come back to me the more I thought the more I daze out at one point I even burnt the pancakes on accident and nearly cause a fire to happen
Unnie, burnt it burnt shuhua whisper shout hearing her voice I immediately snap out for it I quickly turn of the stove only to find the members giving me weird stare but understand why I was so daze.
Unnie u ok why were u not paying attention I heard shuhua ask
Haha must be still tired I say not wanting to worry her but it seems to make her more worry as she say looking down
Is it because of me im sorry
Shit I curse in my head
Nono it not becus of u ok now here eat up I say panicky passing her portion of the pancakes first the members who were in silence the whole time immediately try to break the tension by making jokes which seem to work making me relief the rest of the breakfast seem to go relatively well as soyeon was done eating about to leave she immediately call for me which ik is for wt I immediately follow after her leaving the others curious esp shuhua from the look of her face
Soojin ah, so how are u gonna break it to her
I really dun know soyeon ah I can't she gonna hate me she has always hate the hospital I reply tears welling up afraid of shuhua reaction
Soojin she say hugging me ik it gonna be hard but u have to be strong for shuhua u the best person for her she rely on u a lot u can't break here if there any chance of her admitting herself to the hospital it would be u asking her she not gonna listen to any of us so as much ik it hard for u I need u to break the news to her ok I give u some time with her only ok anything call me or the members before leaving
I head back to the kitchen feeling extremely drain and exhausted
Unnie, why u cry shuhua say worry
I'm fine hey can we go to our room and talk
After we enter the room I hesitantly bring up the topic
Shuhua what would u do if I say if I would like for u to be admitted to the hospital
As soon as those word left my mouth shuhua face turn from worry to angry
No uk how much I hate the hospital she scream furious
Hey calm down calm down I say pulling her into a hug after ensuring she calm I then say shuhua, ik u hate it but the members and I would be there for u I would be there for u ok pls the members are terrified and scared for ur mental state
No shuhua shout furious breaking my hold on her u cant do this to me no no no breathing heavily I immediately grab her meds and a glass of water  making  her take it she struggle a lot I did the first thing I thought of immediately call for soyeon
Soyeon help I scream at the top of my lung trying to hold shuhua down
Hearing my scream soyeon immediately rush Into the room
Help me hold her down she too agitated I continue waiting for shuhua meds to take effect and very soon she was already fast asleep
I guess it didn't go well soyeon say
She was furious what do we do now soyeon ah she gonna hate me if I force her to the hospital I can't do this
Hey it not ur fault ok I gonna discuss with manager oppa and the members u just stay here and watch shuhua alright
As soon as soyeon left the room I broke down in tears looking at shuhua feeling extremely guilty the look of feeling betrayed sad angry on her face earlier was breaking me apart I continue crying holding shuhua hand tightly till I fall asleep

Hi just wanna apologize for the late update been rather busy this week and thanks for all ur support 😀

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