part 7

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Fastforward (one month)
The girls were preparing for their upcoming album hence they were schedule to be weight.Hearing this shuhua become really anxious and worry as the voice in her head repeatedly say she fat, ugly and so on.
Shuhua pov
Hearing manager oppa say that we are going to have our weight taken I immediately turn pale at the thought that I fat and ugly the member gonna hate me even more after this. The more shuhua thought about the more shuhua have difficulty breathing hence she immediately excuse her self to her room so as to not burden her members even more than she already has

Soyeon pov
Hey soojin, did u see how shuhua reacted after manager oppa say we were gonna have our weight taken
Yes I did  she look extremely afraid and scare I wonder why reply soojin
Hearing soojin reply , I went speechless as I thought I was over reacting. I then ask her hey when was the last time u actually had a heart to heart talk with her which she say I dun rmb she seem to be avoiding me for Aleast a month now . I then suggest to her that we go check on the maknae as I had a feeling something bad gonna happen.
We both went to shuhua room only to find it lock . That strange as she nvr lock her room . Putting aside the strange feeling I knock the door
Shuhua, u in there ?
As soon as I say it I heard something hitting the ground making me even more worry then I already am
Shuhua, u okay open the door right now
Only to be met by no response I immediately instruct soojin to find the spare key to her room before shouting yeh shuhua open the door right now but still no response. Just as I was about the unlock the door with the spare key, shuhua open her room door tear evident in her eyes saying hi unnie sry for the late reply, I was listening to music and yes everything fine
That bullshit it so obvs that she was crying. I dont understand why she would lie tho. I then enter her room sitting on her bed before srsly asking her shuhua, u been acting really weird is everything alright but as usual she just say she fine I then say why are u crying  dun try to lie to me it very obvious that u were crying but she didn't reply and just look down. Looking at the state of shuhua I cant help but feel extremely down and worry as the shuhua I know is  always bright and cheerful. Shuhua ya, I always here for u the members are also here for u pls tell me what happen . But still no reply. I  sigh feeling extremely helpless as I have no idea how to help her so I decided to give her some space reminding myself to speak to her tmr about it

Shuhua pov
I was drowning in self hate as I continue to read the hate comment directed to me on Instagram. The only friend I have now is my precious blade I thought as I began cutting
One cut
2 cut
3 cut...
All of the sudden I heard soyeon Shuhua, u in there ? I immediately panic  dropping the blade as a result. I quickly pick it up hiding in under my pillow before proceeding to clean my cuts
yeh shuhua open the door right now i was in panic mode knowing I can't escape this situation I quickly wrap my hand with a bandage wipe my tear before opening the door  . sry for the late reply, I was listening to music and yes everything fine I say as innocently as possible hoping she won't question me any further but that was not what happen. Hearing her ask me if I alright, no I not I fat and ugly and just a burden to the team I reply in my head keeping silence. The moment she left the room see how much of a burden u are all u do is make ur unnie worry I heard the voice say pls leave me alone I extremely exhausted before closing my eyes escaping  reality

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