The Dark Elf

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Aredhel rode fast, the feel of the wind blowing through her hair exhilarating her. The elven lady had taken to riding freely across the plains of Himlad recently, it cured her boredom from waiting for Celegorm and Curufin to return. Nevertheless, she was growing tired of the green plains of their land, desiring rather to wander under the trees of great forests.

Ahead of her she could see the dark woods of Nan Elmoth. The Noldor of Himlad had warned her off the shadowy forest there, telling tales of a dark Sindarin elf's dwelling, an elf that avoided coming out into the light unless at great need.

Aredhel shook her head. Surely no elf would be so dark that they could make their forest evil, the Noldor were probably exaggerating. They still believed themselves above the Sindar, especially those following Celegorm and Curufin. Deciding that it would be worth a small look in the forest, Aredhel rode on, reaching the banks of the river Celon at around lunchtime.

The adventurous elf dismounted, muttering elvish words to her horse bidding it to stay there and await her return. She would not go far into the woods, after all if she did not return to the elven halls by sundown then the Noldorin elves would begin to worry.

Over to her right she spotted a shallow area of the river bed, small round pebbles offering her a way across. Holding up the bottom of her shining white dress, Aredhel paddled over to the trees on the other side. Without even a glance back, she waded into the dark trees before her.

As Aredhel wandered deeper into the forest she inhaled deeply, letting the smell of the woodland fill her nostrils and clear her thoughts. Although the wood was dark the trees were healthy, most of them towered above her, dark green leaves blocking out the sun, giving the whole forest a feel of eternal night. But Aredhel didn't mind, her sharp elven eyes pierced the shadows around her. Every so often a rabbit or deer would spring past her, swiftly disappearing into the trees as quickly as it had come.

Aredhel peered up, trying to see the sun's position through the thick canopy of leaves, but they blotted out any vision of the sky beyond them. Knowing that it would be getting late, Aredhel decided that she should start heading back.

From the darkness of the trees around Aredhel, a lone elf stood watching

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From the darkness of the trees around Aredhel, a lone elf stood watching. Raven black hair fell around his shoulders, casting shadows over his pale face. He had seen Aredhel as she passed near his dark halls, a lone light amid the shadows. She could not see him, hiding in the trees, for although her eyes were keen they could not be as good as Eol's. While Aredhel had grown up in the light of the two trees, Eol had been in the deep shadows of Nan Elmoth, the woods that no light reached. Not even when the sun and moon had first risen did they manage to bring light to that dark place.

The dark elf was ensnared by the beauty and light of the White Lady of the Noldor, desiring her more than anything before. He put aside the hatred of the Noldor that pounded through his veins as he wove his shadows around the elven lady. The trees worked with him, closing in their branches across her path, turning her ever towards the south. Away from the Noldor and towards Eol.

In Eol's mind a plan was already forming. If he could get Aredhel to the entrance of his dwelling then he would invite her in, allowing her to rest and refresh herself. He believed that he could get her to stay after that, confident at his ability of persuasion. Although Eol was not as accomplished as the Noldor in their skill with words, he was still ancient, Eol had knowledge of the elves before they were separated. Before any left the wide lands of their awakening to go to the light.

When eventually Aredhel was herded near to the entrance of his halls, Eol left her to make her own way from there. He made sure to light a few torches, drawing Aredhel to him like a moth to a flame. He then sat behind his heavy doors, awaiting the arrival of the fair elven maiden.

Aredhel no longer knew which way she was going, she only hoped that it would lead her out of the forest

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Aredhel no longer knew which way she was going, she only hoped that it would lead her out of the forest. If possible, she thought that it had grown even darker under the trees, maybe indicating the arrival of night outside. Sometimes she found the trees barricading her passage, as if herding her in another direction, she could only hope that they would lead her out.

Up ahead she thought she could see a flickering light. Remembering the tales of the Noldor of Himlad she suspected it was the dark elves. Aredhel could only pray to the Valar that they were different from the warnings she had received.

Drawing nearer to the light she saw that the source was a few torches, their flames flickering, alone in the darkness. Between them stood door carved out of thick, dark wood. She stopped just outside of the ring of light, unsure whether to approach or not. Eventually she decided to go over, deeming it to be wiser than wandering an unknown forest all night, but even as she approached, the doors swung open.

From the doorway a tall elf stepped, he had raven black hair and his face was so pale that Aredhel wondered if it had ever seen the light of day. Seeing Aredhel standing there, he smiled.

"My lady, who are you that wanders alone in these woods?" Eol began, spreading his arms wide and trying to seem as charming as possible. "They are not safe for a lone maiden to wander in. Please, come into my halls and tell me your story." And so Aredhel walked forward, her head held high despite the deep pit forming in her stomach.

"I am Lady Aredhel Ar-Feiniel, daughter of High King Fingolfin." Aredhel said, standing proud before Eol, "I was travelling to visit my cousins in Himlad only to find that they are away visiting their own brothers. You must understand that I am not content to sit in great halls, never leaving despite the longing for adventure in my heart. And so instead of growing bored while awaiting their return, I rode out every day." Eol nodded, listening to Aredhel's story, the desire he had for her growing with every passing word.

"But what brought you to this forest, surely a lady of light such as yourself would prefer to stay in the green fields of Himlad?" He asked, genuinely interested to hear her answer.

"Although the pastures of Himlad soothed some of my need for freedom, the forests of the world are still my favourite place. When I was young in Valinor I used to wander the great forests freely, sometimes even galloping alongside Orome's hunters." Aredhel explained, her eyes distant with memories of the Blessed Realm. "When I saw the woodland beyond the river I couldn't resist, the longing to walk beneath trees again overcame my sense. But I became lost, wandering amidst the shadows until I saw the torches outside your doors."

"Then you are lucky, for not many creatures live here, and those that do are elusive and easily startled." Eol commented, "you may stay here as long as you need. Tomorrow I am due to go hunting, you may join me if you wish." At this Aredhel smiled, confirming that she would indeed join him.

That night she was given a room in Eol's dark halls, and as Eol went to his own chambers he smirked. This would be too easy, already she was pleased to stay, loving his dark woods more than her own people's cities. Before long she would stay with him forever.

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