Chapter 2: Fresh faces

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How is it that he's sitting in front of me?!? Who the hell is he?? I turn around to where Aj is standing, grab his elbow, and drag him over to a corner of the classroom; a trail of drool following behind him. "Aj..who is that exactly?" I ask him in a hushed whisper, and Aj let's out a small laugh. "THAT your highness is the yummy boy I told you joined our class in your absence. His name is Alec and unfortunately he's not overly friendly or talkative. But don't think that stopped any of the girls from trying to get close to him." He fans himself dramatically with his notebook and I can't help but laugh. Just as I'm about to ask Aj another question I feel a warmth on the back of my neck. Turning, our eyes connect and I realize that warmth was the weight of his gaze and I can't help the goosebumps that quickly spread over my skin.

"Father, I don't see why I need to go to this dumb school. I have no intent on becoming a scholar or a doctor." I grumble angrily into the phone, my father letting out a wary sigh. "You need to blend in as to not blow our cover. The family will be relocating soon into the city. We only need to stay in this stupid town for a few more weeks and then we can leave. Just bear with it for now, okay?" I can tell by his voice that he is slowly losing his patience with me and let out a low sigh. "Yes father. I understand." The line clicks and I let out another long sigh. I haven't been to school in 2 years and I really wasn't looking forward to it now. What kind of mafia king would possibly need something so stupid? Just as I'm about to sigh once more the driver, my uncle Jeremy, clears his throat with a hearty chuckle and I glare at him. "Nephew, this is not so bad. All you need to do is survive 2 weeks here and then we will be into out new territory. Maybe you'll make some friends." I scoff at the suggestion before straightening the tie of my uniform. As we pull into the school parking lot I look at my uncle with disdain. "Uncle, you know as well as I do that in our line of work, there is no such thing as friends." I meet his eyes in the rear view mirror and for a split second I almost think I see pity in them. I shake it off and wait for him to do a quick perimeter check and open my door. As I step out I notice a faint smell of lavender in the air, and as I look towards the source of the smell, I meet the beautiful blue eyes of a girl I hadn't met before, and I can't help the smirk that spreads across my face as I watch her turn her attention to the ground, a blush heating her face. My head whips as I hear my uncle laugh under his breathe and I scowl in return before walking in the direction of the doors, following the pretty red fox who just ran through them.

As soon as I walk through the doors a few of the popular girls start crowding me and I entertain each of them. I hate this part of school, having to pretend to be nice or like any of these fucking assholes. I say my farewells to the girls and head towards my home room, my fake smile all but cracking off my face. As I open the doors and head towards my seat I'm hit with that familiar smell of lavender. I lift my eyes from my phone to see that beautiful red hair shaking lightly, her eyes crinkled in amusement, and a smile spread across her face as she laughed with one of the kids from my class. I take my seat and can't help but smile when I see the look on her face as she realizes that I sit in front of her. I don't know what it is about her, but something makes me want to be near her. I watch in bemusement as she drags her friend over into the corner, her eyes never leaving the floor. And just as her friend says something she turns to look at me, and my smirk spreads into a grin when I see the look of despair in her eyes. This was going to be fun.

Mrs Wilson walks into the classroom and orders everyone into their seats so she can do roll call. I head back over to my spot behind the new boy, my eyes not leaving the ground for even a moment. As I sit behind him I can't help but take in his features from behind. He has hair as black as night that is slicked behind his ears, his shoulders broad and filling out his suit coat nicely. The more that I think about it the more I realize that I have very little to fear this man for. I thought back to what my dad and his buddies had said the first time I visited the club house and saw the biker men in all their glory. They had terrified me, their large muscles and tattoos intimidating. Back then dad had explained that even though the men looked terrifying, they would always protect me , and that despite their looks each of them were still people with feelings. I swallow the lump in my throat, steeling my resolve that I would give this new kid a chance to show me his personality rather than just judge him harshly by his intimidating stature. Just as I come to that conclusion, I turn my head to see some of the girls and their friends staring at me, envy and anger etched into their facial features. Good god. Today Is gunna be a long day.

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