He Needs You

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Harry's words echoed in your ears.

"Ron? Where is he? Whats going on?" you stuttered.

Harry shook his head, "there's no time. You have to come with me, right now." He reached out his hand towards you. You stared nervously at him, where was he taking you? As you stepped forward, ready to grab him he spoke one word. "Duck"

"What?!" you gasped.

"DUCK!!!!" he yelled. His voice seemed to be coming from all around you as your flat disappeared.

You followed his command, and as soon as you felt your feet on solid ground, you ducked.


You had no idea where you were, or what was going on, but as you looked around, the scene that met you could only be described as a warzone. There were flashes of lightening passing you, missing you by an inch at most. Each flash revealed more about your surroundings. You were outside, it looked like a forest. You could make out figures all around you, some aiming at you, some not. Screams of spells filled the air. Harry still had your hand, and as he pulled you along, you could make out bodies lying motionless on the floor. What was this?

Soon, he flung you round a tree.

"Help him!" he screamed. It took you a minute to realise what he meant. Your eyes scanned the area behind the tree, a flash lighting up the dark. Thats when you spotted him. Ron. He was propped up beside the tree, barely breathing. Blood soaked his fiery red hair, making him unrecognisable. You stared at him for what felt like forever, too stunned to move. How had this happened?

"y/n!" a voice brought you back. "Help him!" Harry screamed again, sending spells in every direction, trying to keep you both covered.

"I...I..." you stuttered. "I dont..."

"y/n! He needs you...please!" Harry begged.

He needs you.

Harrys words rang in your head, drowning out all the other noises around you. Ron needed you.

You stepped forward, and kneeled down examing the damage. You had to figure out where to start.

"Ron?" you held his hand in yours, "Ron, its y/n, can you hear me?" Nothing. You checked for his pulse, it was there but it was weak. "Vulnera Sanentur" you muttered over and over while you hovered your wand over his body, focusing on the worse effected areas. What kind of spell had done this to him? Some of his wounds started healing, but only slightly. "Harry" you spoke quietly at first, but soon realised he couldnt hear you over the noise. "Harry!" you got his attention, "I need more, I have to get some potions." he nodded.

"Just take him with you!" a voice screamed from behind a near by tree. You looked over, and saw a younger wizard, looking at you almost angrily.

Harry looked at you, his eyes full of hope. You shook your head. "He'd never survive it." you told him, quietly. Harry wanted to hear those words even less than you wanted to speak them. He nodded again. "I'll be quick, I promise" you spoke, as you closed your eyes and the screams faded. You opened them a split second later, looking around. You were in the Potions Lab at the hospital.

Scurrying around the room, you grabbed different small vials. You'd need something to carry them in. Looking around, you spotted a small handbag. Rushing over, you emptied the contents on the counter, and started filling the bag with the potions you'd collected. Sorry, you thought to yourself. Within seconds, you were back at Ron's side.

You reached into the bag, searching for the bottle labelled 'Dittany.' Opening it quickly, you began to sprinkle it over the deep cuts on Ron's body, small puffs of smoke appearing from where it had made contact with his skin. You felt him writhe.

"It's ok...it's ok. I know" you ran your other hand through his hair, trying to soothe him. Quickly, you used a bandaging charm to cover the worst of his wounds. "Ron, I need you to open your mouth for me" you spoke loudly so he could hear you. Nothing. "Ron, please, please hear me. Open your mouth" you begged.

You heard him groan and he parted his lips slightly. You poured a blood-replenishing potion into his mouth. "Thank you, now swallow" you asked, closing his mouth and tilting his head back.

"Harry!" you looked round you, dark figures surrounded you, but you couldnt make him out. "Harry, help me!" you screamed. Within seconds, he was next to you. "We need to move him away, you need to help me. Keep us safe." you begged. He nodded, as you used your wand to lift Ron's body off of the ground. Harry stuck tight to you, deflecting any spells away from you.

"Over this way!" he pointed. Looking up, you spotted an abandoned cottage. You directed Ron towards it. Harry ran ahead, breaking the door open for you. He then helped you slowly lower Ron onto the ground. "Will he be ok?" he asked, breathlessly.

You nodded, "I think so. I've done all I can to help for now. He just needs to rest now, I wont know for sure for a few days. These things take time to work"

"y/n...I...thank you" Harry brought you in close to him and held you tight. "I didn't know what to do, I thought I'd lost him." his voice went quiet. "I'm sorry for bringing you here."

"It's ok, thank you for coming to me." you choked back tears, thinking what would have happened if he hadnt. "What happened?"

"We were ambushed. The Ministry sent us here to track down an escaped prisoner. But it was a trap. Someone tipped them off. They knew we were coming."

"Who did, who are they?" you questioned.

"Death Eaters."

"What?! I thought...but Voldemort is dead?"

"He still has his supporters. And they dont take too kindly to me" he sighed.

And in that moment, you hated Harry Potter. This was all his fault. If it wasnt for him and all his Chosen One bullshit, this would never have happened. You felt the anger raising, the blood in your veins felt like it was boiling. Then you remembered the conversation you had had with Ron over Christmas. He didnt want to do this anymore. He wanted to quit. Why hadnt he? Had he tried to? Had Harry convinced him to do 'one last job' with him?

You shook the thoughts out of your head, they wouldn't do anyone any good. They certainly wouldnt help Ron. You looked down at him, he looked better already, but he was still unconscious. You ran your fingers through his hair again.

"He'll be safe here" Harry noticed your tears. You nodded, you could still hear the screams coming from outside, but they were quiet. "I have to go back and help, but I'll be back here as soon as I can." You nodded, watching him getting up and walking towards the door.

"Oh, y/n..." he turned to look at you. "He really loves you, you know." and with that he was gone, leaving you holding Ron tightly. This time, you couldnt stop your tears from falling.

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