The Awaited Reward/ AU ending

Start from the beginning

"And this is our first time? Its evident our instincts are taking over huh?" Akame said leaning her body on (Y/N)'s as they both felt each other's warmth with him wrapping an arm around her waist and with his other hand he held her's as they both laid with each other for a in a loving embrace.

"Yea... To think we're actually making love... Akame your talented with everything you do huh?" (Y/N) place a soft kiss on her lips as she smiled before she climbed on top of him.

"Are you ready my love?"

"Of course... Though its my turn to take the lead." (Y/N) said sitting up holding her waist above his member as she had relaxed into his arms with her knees on the bed as he began to tease her by prodding her entrance with his tip awaiting her signal for him to go in.

"Stop teasing me my love... I'm ready."  Wrapping her arms around his neck bringing him down on her as she laid on her back giving him the go ahead by kissing him on the lips.

Returning her kiss he carefully and slowly enter her entrance with his member making Akame moan in pain and pleasure.


"I'm fine... It hurts... But it feels good please continue to make me feel good." She said reassuring him as he then slowly thrust back and forth into her developing a rhythm to his thrust slowly picking up speed with every pleased moan Akame gave with each thrust taking one hand to message one of her breast making her wrap her legs around him as she fail to stop her orgasms her body experienced.

"Keep going... I'm so close..." Akame said in bliss as (Y/N) starting feeling pressure in his member starting to build up.

"In close to climaxing as Well Akame."

"Let's do it together then." With this (Y/N) continue his thrust faster giving both lovers incredible bliss as they continue onward til Akame held (Y/N) even tighter than before as they both knew what this meant.

"I can't hold it anymore (Y/N) It's coming!"

"I'm coming too, let's do it." He replied continuing his thrust as Akame's moans echoed through their room before they both climaxed with Akame moaning as (Y/N)'s fluids entered her and hers started to spill as she held onto (Y/N) taking deep breaths as he took breaths himself as he pulled out and laid next to her pulling her into a spooning position as he laid his chin on her shoulder and neck.

"Are you satisfied my love?" (Y/N) asked as Akame place a hand on his cheek as she turned her head to kiss his cheek looking at him.

"I'm plenty satisfied, and with this our future together will be a pleasant experience... I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you Akame." They both shared a soft kiss that held more love than the others as they both got comfortable on her bed letting post- sex exhaustion get the better of them as they both drifted to sleep.

A year later.

"(Y/N) Akame will be fine she's the strongest put of all of us." Tatsumi said as the Ex-General paced back and forth outside the room Akame was giving birth in.

"Your right.... I'm just excited and nervous.... Should I have brought my shield? It was just so sudden and I had to rush her to the hospital."

"If you want Nervous you should've seen Wave during my delivery." Kurome said putting her hand on (Y/N)'s shoulders.

"And Tatsumi he's acting cool now, but he fainted during my delivery." Mine said giggling a bit as (Y/N) felt reassured by his friends.

"Thanks you g-"

"NO! PLEASE NO! (Y/N)!" Akame yelled out and in that first instinct he burst through the door as he saw Akame's eyes filled with tears as the newborn she had in her arms had red scars the reminds the two of the same scars Akame had when she used Murasame's Trump Card.

"General (Y/N) I don't understamd what has happened the baby had a normal birth but it didn't cry and it didn't move at all." A doctor told him as he quickly moved to Akame's side as she looked at him with tears filled in her eyes.

"Why?!... Why is this happening?! (Y/N)... Why is this happening?" Akame asked him as he held back his tears and pulled her into a hug as she cried into his chest as the others stood in shock while Kurome held her mouth looking at them with tears in her eyes.

"Poor Big sister... You didn't deserve this..."

Later that week.

"(Y/N)... What do you see?" Akame asked laying in her hospital bed as he hovered his hand that had his shield equipment glowing blue over her body til he hovered over her heart and he pulled back with with shock in his eyes.

"The curse is still with you. It's embedded itself into your heart... How could I have missed it?!"

"(Y/N) please don't blame yourself we couldn't have known I didn't feel anything off so how could we expect this?" She said holding her husbands cheek as she knew he was going to blame himself.

"Thank you Akame... Forgive me... Let me fix this now." He placed his hand on her chest making his shield glow blue as the blood inside of it started going down shocking him.

"What on earth is going on why is my healing powers not working I'm going to push my limits to get rid of this Damn curse." He thought as the light lit brighter than a star covering the room in a blue light til all he saw was darkness.

Days later.

"Ow.... My head..."

"(Y/N) your awake!" Akame said hugging him as he seemed confused.

"Akame what happened?"

"Please don't scare me like that... First our child and then you falling into a coma for eight days... Please don't scare me like that again." She said crying into his chest as he saw his shield across from them the top half of it Black while the bottom hald of it was blue in color as if a cup of water was half filled.

"Why does Unknown's Claw look like that?!"

To be Continue...


Journey for a Cure a Hinoka Ga Crush fan fiction.

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