"I want my mom Lu, I just want my mom," she cried out her voice cracking.

Lucien looked at his sister. If she found out the reality of his plans, he knew he'd lose her. Sitting beside his bath tub, he saw his sister sob purely of pain for the first time in hundreds of years.

Eris wasn't one to show her pain. She was always monotone, even during torture. Seeing her cry like this, Lucien knew that she couldn't endure the pain again. She couldn't relive the trauma she tried so hard to erase from her memory.

"It's okay Eris, I promise I won't let him hurt you. None of them will ever again, I promise you that." He whispered to her like he did a millennium ago.

"Eris come on now! You can do better than this," Eric, Eris' older brother said running with a stick.

"Oh shove it up your arse you imbecile!" Fifteen year old Eris hollered back as they ran into the field of grass outside of the castle.

Eris ran as fast as she could to reach her big brother, but soon she was lost and he was out of sight.

"Eric!" She yelled as she began to walk along the road in between the woods.

"Eric this is not funny, come out please!" She said desperately as the sun began to set and the night began to fall.

She walked along the lines hearing branches cracking every minute or two. She knew something or someone was out there and she was terrified. She shouted out once again, only to receive nothing.

"Boo!" Sebastian said putting his arms around her waist to hold her in place.

Eris let out a shout of fear before pushing her elbow back with all the force she had and getting herself out of the mans grip. She didn't turn around, but she began to run for her life. Fear and adrenaline pumped through her blood.

"Eris it's me," Sebastian called out nearly beside her.

Recognizing his voice she stopped in her tracks. Breathing heavily and letting out streams of tears, she looked back at the boy she loved. Standing behind him was Eric, Lucien, Cora, Eric's girlfriend Cleo.

"I'm so sorry," Sebastian ran toward her wiping her tears away.

Lucien, Eric, Cora, and Cleo watched the two interact. They'd known that she was afraid to be alone at night. Afraid to be around men and large groups of people. They felt extreme guilt for what they did to her.

The four approached the two with sadness in their eyes. They formed a circle around Eris ushering words of  sorrow and kindness.

"That wasn't funny," Eris let out punching Sebastian in the shoulder and kicking Eric in the leg.

"We're sorry E. No one will ever hurt you like that ever again." Eric told his little sister, giving her a kiss on the head.

The six stood there embracing each other. There was no doubt that they all loved one another. Eris and Sebastian were in love but not dating and Cleo and Eric were to be married in a year.

Slowly Eris regained her composure and expressed that if they did that again, she'd stab them in their sleep, making them laugh. Eris couldn't hurt a fly. She hated violence and was not the biggest fan of challenge or conflict.

"I'm sorry baby," Sebastian kissed her head as they began to walk back to the village. "I promise you I won't do that again." He stated pressing another kiss on her shoulder.

Eris just nodded in return leaning into him and inhaling his scent. She had registered his scent to safety, meaning that she knew that no one would hurt her. They walked to together into her home before going to her room. Smaller then the rest of the rooms in the Laurent home, Eris' bed room was simple. A bed and a dresser along with a clothing rack and a mirror and a small couch. The six set up in Eris' room as normal. The night ended with Eris asleep in between Sebastian and Lucien.

Smiling at his girl, Sebastian stroked his hands through her hair. He knew that it shouldn't have happened. He knew that he shouldn't be in love with his bestfriend's little sister, but he didn't care. Eric was angry at first but secretly grateful that Sebastian would be the man for Eris.

"Good god Bash, when are you going to ask her out?" Cora asked her friend.

Sebastian's smiled at Cora and laughed a little. "You know the drill, it's a process to create a relationship. She's not ready yet and-"

"Not ready for what exactly Bash? Because you two act like a couple but aren't. It's getting quite confusing if I may say." Lucien added to the conversation.

Sebastian knew he was hopelessly in love with Eris. He was afraid deep down that she didn't feel the same. That she'd eventually leave him for someone else.

"I will ask her, don't doubt that I won't." Sebastian said finally.

The evening came to an end and Sebastian placed a kiss on Eris' lips and tucking her in. The boys always walked the ladies home, especially after everything Eris had gone through. First Cora, then Cleo, and then it was just the three boys.

"I love her," Sebastian said to his two bestfriends.

Everyone knew it but he had never said the words aloud. This made Lucien and Eric grin widely.

"Before the teasing begins, I want your blessing to date your bestfriend and your sister." Sebastian spoke to them.

"Sebastian Leveque! Of course you idiot." Lucien exclaimed laughing.

"Bash, if you break her heart, I'll break your face." Eric responded with no humor as the three approached the Laurent house again.

"Of course brother, I'd never do anything to hurt her purposely. She's too good to let crumble." Sebastian answered honestly.

"So then, you ask my sister out and let's see what happens," Eric responded patting Sebastian and Lucien on the back. "Good night friends!" He shouted as the two made their way back to the castle.

Lucien and Sebastian let out hoots and hollers out of joy. For the first time in a while, both Lucien and Sebastian had received good news leaving them hopeful. Lucien was especially joyous. He had known Eris for the majority of his life, and seeing her happy made him happy. 

Hope u enjoyed x  

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