18: If Only for an Instant

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Please....don't abandon such a pure dream when it's right infront of you...


(Ren's P.O.V)

"I won't."

Akechi turned away from me with disdain in his eyes. He pushed away my hand that held the blindfold yet again.

I sighed.

"I thought you wanted relief.."

"I do. But I don't need your help to get it."

His eyes narrowed at me and he tried to stand up. Clearly my suggestion of blindfolding him before we went any further had offended him.

We had headed back to Akechi's apartment and were attempting to have dinner, but Goro's mental state was already slipping by the time I started cooking curry. In that light, I decided to try an idea I had.

One that I knew he wouldn't like, but decided to attempt all the same.

I stared at his shirtless back as he got to his feet. Purposely, I grabbed onto the belt loop of his pants before he could saunter out of my reach.

"This affects me as much as it does you. If we can't find ways to stop Shido from interrupting your life, he always will..." Akechi turned over his shoulder and glared at me.

I met the disdain in his eyes with a challenging smirk.

"Unless you want to go the medicated route..."

My boyfriend growled angrily at me. It was clear his very being rejected the idea of medication.

"I'm perfectly capable of dealing with my own hallucinations. If I need your help, I'll ask for it."

Akechi grabbed my hand roughly and pulled it away from his pants to set himself free. It was a clear, physical decision of dismissiveness

...but I wasn't going to give up just yet.

I stood up, feeling the quick movement send a cool air across my shirtless torso.

"That's a lie. You don't ask for anything. Besides..."

I reached my fingers out and dragged them teasingly along his boney hip, just at the hem of his boxers that peaked out above his pants.

"The Palace is going to become even more mentally draining as time passes. It may be some time before we can do this again..."

I could see my boyfriend weighing my words with inherent annoyance. This wasn't a matter of whether Akechi wanted to be intimate or not, with or without the use of his vision. It was the fact that he refused to be dominated - a facet of his personality that steered his very being.

But without a blindfold, how could we determine whether he would see Shido in his mind during our time together? It was a stretch of a solution, but it was worth a shot. And it was a notion that Akechi had to loosen up on, even just with me.

Either way, Akechi hated losing control, so I wasn't surprised he hated my idea. I also wasn't surprised that he was outright refusing to entertain it.

"You're elusive enough..." Taking a different approach, I shrugged carelessly.

"Unless the blindfold hinders you that much that you know you can't bring me to my knee 's..."

My words were just challenging and huskey enough to test Akechi's ego. He growled once again and, after a moment's hesitation and a roll of his eyes, snatched the black fabric from my other hand.

Real & the Ideal: A Persona 5R Dark Sun Sequel (Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren)Where stories live. Discover now