25: What is Right, and What is Fleeting (Freedom Pt.2)

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(Ren's P.O.V, flashback)

"Wh----what are you-!?"

I was panting and sweating as his hand hovered just above my head. I uttered out the question, but received no answer, even as fear washed across my chest in torrential waves. Was he that angry? Would he really-?

My father's eyes were riddled with dissapointment, rage, and mistrust. I was frozen to the spot, unable to fathom what was coming.

"You should have just left that woman.." He snapped, poisonous disdain seething from his voice.

I'd never seen my father so angry. And my mother, as she sat at the dinner table just behind him with her head in her hands, was the picture of a broken woman, wracked by her sobs.

"He's going to bury us." She uttered lifelessly.

"If he presses charges....we'll lose the house..." 

I grit my teeth. How could they not understand? If I hadn't of stepped in for that woman, he would've...

But then again...if I had chosen not to...we wouldn't be in this situation now.


I twitched at his voice, closing my eyes and turning away as my father's fingers shifted in the corner of my eye. He had never been abusive, but if he really was this angry--

"Don't, dear."

Mother's words were my saving grace.

His hand hesitated, before suddenly lowering itself to my shoulder and squeezing tight. Whatever boiling fury that was within him a minute ago seemed  to instantly simmer. He was better than that, and I could see in his eyes that he knew it.

I felt the tightness in my chest release.

"I know you didn't mean it. But the damage is already done." 

My mother's eyes turned up from her hands. They were red and puffy, with streaks lining her cheeks. I swallowed hard as the guilt in my heart amplified.

Mom....I'm sorry...I...

"Look at me, son."

I turned back to my father and met his eyes. They were stressed and tired, fatigued from dealing with such an overwhelming situation.

"Dad....Really...I didn't mean t--"

"It doesn't matter anymore." 

The fingers of his hand began squeezing my shoulder tighter; harder and harder, until all of a sudden, a soft pain began to ache in my bones. Dad took a long, deep breath.

Whatever he was about to say...it wasn't going to be easy. I could feel it in his fingers.

"Your mother and I will deal with it here on our end. But you..."

My heart began to race. Our end? What could he possibly be implying?

"You have to hold up your end of the bargain."

I gasped, then grabbed his hand and pulled it from me quickly.

"What!? What are-!?"

"You're going AWAY, Ren Amamiya." My mother suddenly stood up, shoving her chair out from under her so hard, the wooden stool fell to the floor with a loud crash! Her response was absolute - it was clear she wouldn't allow me to fight this.

Real & the Ideal: A Persona 5R Dark Sun Sequel (Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren)Where stories live. Discover now