16: Those I Can't Trust

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No one is in pain now..why would I deny anyone the opportunity to be saved?


(Meanwhile, outside the Metaverse..)

"Unfortunately, our Prime Minister's sudden death has shocked our nation. We are still determining the details to his sudden passing, but will keep you informed as more information comes to light."

A group of 7 young activists were sitting outside the tv station on some of the cement planters, eating their lunches, smoking cigarettes, and listening to the news on their cellphones.

Ever since Shido's mysterious death, they'd been growing more and more restless.

"This is so stupid. It's been days, and they still can't even say the cause of Prime Minister Shido's death."

One man scoffed as he wolfed down his egg sandwich.

"They're probably keeping the details close to their chest. We all know that the sudden death of such a high ranking public official could actually be a scandal." The woman who sat beside him muttered matter-of-factly as she sipped her tea.

"Yeah, but as Japanese citizens, we also have a right to know what happened." Another one of the men shot back. The girl rolled her eyes.

"Even if it was some big assassination plot, they wouldn't tell us because it could cause a big uprising. They'll probably just pass it off as a health-related problem."

"But isn't that the problem with our media nowadays? How can we even trust what they say?" Another man with a clearly scruffy beard, stood up angrily. He looked around at the group of his friends.

"If they are just going to feed us lies, why would we listen to their broadcasts?"

The girl that sipped her tea rolled her eyes.

"To keep order, Kenji. We can't just presume the news is against us and won't feed us any information on the truth. It might just be a while, maybe they'll lie until they find the culprit behind the scandal, then release the real details."

"Or, maybe they won't." The man named Kenji suddenly turned around and glanced a young station worker walking up the steps towards the entrance. She was carrying a folder of papers.

With a smirk, he jumped off the planter and began walking towards her.

"Kenji!! What are you--!?" The girl of the group yelped at him as the entire set of activists all stood and stared in confusion.

"Hey there Miss. You work at the station?"

The gruff man sauntered up to the worker who looked over in surprise.

She blinked.

"Uh...yes I do..."

Perfect. Kenji already had his hand in his jacket pocket.

"Do you know how Masayoshi Shido was killed? I'm sure you must have some information...."

The station worker's face paled. She paused in her stride up the steps, clearly nervous about the question.


"Heh, heh.."

Kenji suddenly took out the pistol from his pocket. The group of activists that watched all gasped, stunned and unaware that Kenji had been carrying such a thing.

"Hand over the folder, and no one gets hurt."

The station worker, now shaking due to her shock, took in a ragged breath. Fearing for her life, she suddenly shoved the papers at the dangerous man, but in her anxiety, dropped them.

Real & the Ideal: A Persona 5R Dark Sun Sequel (Goro Akechi x Amamiya Ren)Where stories live. Discover now