Chapter 12 | Captured.. again.

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"You didn't kill me, y/n" the figure said.

The three boys were faking their unconsciousness and got up. They grabbed me and took me into a car.

-- Time skip/ Phantom Troupe POV --

"Done with my side" Machi yelled out.

Feitan, Phinks, and Shalnark had also finished killing their batch. They were only waiting for Shizuku, Franklin, Pakunoda, Nobunaga, and y/n. As they all finished killing, they got back together as a group and began to walk away from the havoc.

"Where's y/n??" Feitan said, curiously.

"Don't know. Maybe she's with the boss." Nobunaga said, "Good thing she isn't around to call me old right about now."

Feitan hit nobunaga a bit enough for him to say ouch. The phantom troupe all went back to their hideout and sat down on the rocks. Chrollo walked in with another member. He appeared to be new.

This strange man was clown looking. One star under an eye, and a tear drop under the other. His hair was all together spiking upwards, with a purple/pink dye.

"Boss, where did y/n go?" Shalnark said, breaking the silence.

"Don't know. She wasn't with you?" he responded.

"I saw her last. She ran in a direction behind the auction building. From there, haven't seen her" Feitan said, standing up.

"Oh, my. Y/n..? Lovely name. Do you have a photo of her?" The new member said.

"Yes I do, but what do you plan to do with it, hisoka?" Feitan said, glaring at who we now know is Hisoka.

"Nothing really, the name is familiar. I just want to know if that's who it is. If it is who I think it is, I'd know exactly where she is." hisoka said in a weird tone.

Feitan showed him the photo, and hisoka snatched it from him. Hisoka took a look at it and gasped a little. "Ahh, this one. Yes. I remember her, now. She put up a great fight." Hisoka moaned to the photo of y/n.

"Hisoka, where is she" Nobunaga said, a little concerned of hisokas actions.

"Can't say" Hisoka responded.

"IS THIS A JOKE TO YOU?" Feitan said, walking closer.

"No need to get touchy touchy here. I just have a promise with someone that I can't say." Hisoka said.

"Who was it??" Chrollo asked, calmly.

"Can't say."

"I bet it was the chain user," Shalnark explained, "I bet they tricked y/n to thinking she killed the chain user, but really it was either they revived him, which is impossible, he faked his death and healed his wounds, or an imposter played him."

"That appears to be correct." Hisoka said.

"Where IS SHE" Feitan said, drawing his sword out.

"Is this your little girlfriend? When I get the chance to, I'd love to get a taste of her-" nobunaga cut hisoka off, "If you lay a FINGER on her, you're dead do you hear me??"

"So Feitan isn't the boyfriend? I thought she'd go for someone younger." Hisoka said, smirking.

"No, y/n is like a daughter to nobunaga" Shizuku pointed out, "She does always call him grandpa."

"Probably because he looks old, especially with that weirdass hair due when he ties his hair up" Phinks said, laughing.

"OH SHUT UP!" Nobunaga said, sitting back down, upset.

"We have to find Y/n, whether you help us or not." Feitan said, again.

"No, well. I have somewhere to go. I'll catch you later." Hisoka said, walking out.

"We can follow him" Shizuku said.

"I'll follow him. I'm going to get y/n back", Feitan said.

Feitan walked outside, and followed Hisoka's tracks. He had to conceal his presence, otherwise Hisoka will know he's being followed.

After a while, Hisoka walked into this large empty hotel. It looked nice, so it wouldn't have been a great place to fight in. Hisoka went down a few stories, and feitan continued to follow. As Hisoka went into a large auditorium room, he disappeared.

Feitan walked in slowly, with his guard up.

"GET HIM!", the boy with white hair said, attacking Feitan.

"KILLUA, WAIT!" the green hair boy yelled out.

Feitan slapped who we now know as killua, and sent him flying across the room.

"Gon, what the hell?? I could have got him!" Killua said.

Killua manipulated his hands to be sharper. It caught Feitan's eye.

"So you can do that, too? Hmm." Feitan said, sharpening his hands a little more.

The two attacked each other for a while, but before anything could happen, he was wrapped in chains.

"God damnit, why can't I break out of these??" Feitan yelled out.

"They're designed to capture phantom troupe, and phantom troupe members only. Nobody can break out of them." the chain user said.

Feitan turned around and smirked. "So, you're the kurta? I've heard a little bit about you. It was fun annihilating your clan, but it looks like we missed one. I thought y/n killed you."

"No, I was not killed. When y/n sent blade bombs after me, I knew I couldn't fight her. I asked for help beforehand just in case, and someone who can change their appearances filled in after the smoke filled up the room." The kurta said.

"Who in the hell would help you? Other than these 3 idiots." Feitan said.

"I would." a tall man walked from inside the shadows. He was holding pins in his hand, and walked towards Feitan. He wore a similar top to what Hisoka did.

"I'm illumi. Illumi zoldyck" the tall mysterious man said.


They're related. I wouldn't have guessed. Feitan said in his thoughts.

The chain user took Feitan into the same room y/n was chained up in and chained him up as well. "I can't break these chains, what the HELL!"

Y/n looked up. "F-fei- YOU GOT YOURSELF CAPTURED. The hell?? Does anyone know where we are???" y/n screeched.

"No.." Fei responded, "I wanted to be the one who saved you.."

"Why would you risk yourself like that? You know how strong the chain user is"



"I love you y/n."

"F-fei.." Y/n blushed, and looked at him.

"We have to get out of here" y/n continued, "If only I knew how.."


a/n: ayoooooooooooooooo

Sooooooo what do u think of the story so farrrrrrrrr??

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