2: Back to Her antics

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" armin couldn't stop banging in the door! Like he was the damn swat team!" Eren threw his head forward. Angered he couldn't get enough sleep because of his blonde friend.
" I didn't want you guys to be late!" Armin tried desperately to defend him self.
" mikasa was up! She could've just woke me up! But noooo you deiced Giving a headache as breakfast" Eren groaned. The trio sat a lunch table near the wall. Armin and Eren wouldn't stop fighting about the morning. Mikasa just sat there wondering where her boyfriend was, the guy offered to get her lunch, but he hadn't return for thirty minutes. Soon the bickering stopped, and erens and armins argument was short lived when Ymir ran up to them.

" yo! Horse face just got in a fight!" She rejoiced, smiling that she finally found entertainment on the boring Monday. Mikasa facade soon become deadly as she shot up from the lunch table.
" Jean? Mikasa boyfriend?" Armin asked, trembling to the words 'fight'
Before they knew it, a huge crowd was formed near the food court.
The raven stalked through the crowd, making her friends losing the sight of where she was.
In front of her was Jean, on the ground getting punched by a certain blonde female.
That's why he took so long, he was getting his ass beat.
The crowd slowly began to quiet down as they saw jeans girlfriend. The population knew how dangerous she could be.
The girl on top of Jean had a long sleeved shirt on that had skeletons painted the sleeve, also black pants that matched her outfit.

Jean was cowered, covering his head to prevent permanent injuries.
Mikasa grabbed the girls collar from behind. And pulled her on her back,
There the girl laid, and there mikasa was, staring in frozen Nordic eyes

Annie sat up, glaring at mikasa.

The fight had to stop one way or another:

" Teacher!" One of the students warned, and just like that, only Annie, mikasa, and Jean where left.

Mr. Ackerman, aka Levi, approached the teenagers with a look of impatience. Jean began to sit upright, checking his surroundings.
Just when he turn around, his met with levis deadly glare.

" it's only your first day back Leonhart and your already making trouble. Detention after school, all three of you." He spat. Angered that these ruthless kids decided to ruin his evening.

" yo yo!" Jean tired to look at Mr.Ackerman but his eyes where swollen shut and his lip was busted.
" I am NOT going to stay after school unattended with that monster!" He tried to point at Annie but completely missed her.

"Tch. You have mikasa to watch over you. You'll be fine."

" sir, why do I have to be punished when I didn't do anything but break the fight apart?"
Mikasa always looked and treated her seniors with a great deal of respect. When they deserved it.

"Because you stayed when everyone left. I'm assuming your apart of this."

After Levi left, mikasa turned to Jean and offered him a hand. Which horse face greatly accepted.

" are you okay?" She asked, gently putting her hand on jeans right cheek, in response he winced, but smiled.

Annie stared at them for a good minute. Realizing yeah, she'll never have something like that.
Someone to cry to, someone who'd hold her when she needed it, someone who always would welcome her with open arms.

One reason.

Annie's mom was like that. But like we said... Annie was born unfortunate.

To the nurse Annie would say until detention.

Jean leaned in mikasa's touch.
" when we go to the nurse, you better explain why you decided to pick a fight with Leonhart."
She said sternly, looking at her poor beaten up boyfriend.


" again? Leonhart please give me a rest!" Hangi half screamed, staring at the certain blonde sitting on the bed.
" atleast this time I didn't instigate it..." she lowered her head.
Hangi looked at the sorrowful girl and sighed.

" take off the hoodie annie." Hangi pulled out a first aid kit.
" no." Annie gripped the sleeves of her shirt tightly.
" take it off or go to class." Hangi threatened.
The blonde look at the nurse. Her eyes begging for empathy for something she didn't know. But decided that would be best to leave and not risk her secret being revealed.

" I'm sorry... i didn't know why I came here any-"

" hello Dr. Hangi?" Mikasa called from her desk.

" leave. I have kids to attend." Hangi didn't spare Annie a second glance. It wasn't the nurses fault. She had no idea what was going on with the student. But neither did anyone else.

" yes? Mikasa... Jean!" Hangi caught a glimpse of jeans miserable state. With her first aid kit in hand, she lead both of them to a bed, where Hangi began patching up his face.

Annie watched one more. The worry in Dr. Hangi eyes was an expression she never saw with the nurse.

Another reason.

Detention. This was the first punishment Annie wasn't looking forward to.

Truth be told, it would be funny to finally see the school top student attend detention. But that also meant she'd be there with her.

In the class room, The three where separated far away from each other.
Annie sat in the back, staring out the window. The sky was painted a dark and gloomy color. It matched Annie's personality utterly.
Mikasa sat in the front, only a couple of desk away from her boyfriend.

Mr pyxis, walked in sluggishly into the classroom.

" listen. I need to punish all three of you one way or the other. Personally I don't wanna suspend you guys, especially Ackerman.. so I'll give all three of you cleaning duty for the week."

This wasn't new to Annie not mikasa.
Mikasa would offer to help the teachers clean out the classrooms, for good Karma, and Annie was always normally given cleaning punishments.

But both of them knew that it was a two person job. Mikasa hoped and pray to any lord that watched over her to set her up with Jean. Like hell was she going to clean classrooms and bathrooms with Annie.

" Annie and mikasa, will clean class rooms and female restrooms. Jean you'll be paired up with some guy to clean the gym and the Male restrooms." The white board was set up like a calendar. Putting the names and chores the students who would be doing them.

Mikasa dug her head into her hands.
And Annie just stared as mini water droplets began to stick to the window.

" what the hell are you guys doing? Get up and go clean!"

Long sleeves [Mikannie] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now