12. Last Night

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Her head was aching, and her body faced regret. She was swept under darkness last night and she only had her self to blame.

Thank god time was not in her mind but by her side. The area around her was foreign, however she felt a presence that she knew too well. Howd she get here? Where was she? Who's was near? Countless thoughts plagued the mind of Mikasa Ackerman.

A feminine hand gently provokes the still student. Her touch was that a prick of a rose.

Mikasa swiftely and dangerously grabbed the hand that dared to touch her. Her eyes opened angrily and met with light ocean eyes.

"Feisty this morning huh?" The blonde asked, tugging her hand away.

Like a comet, last night it hit mikasa all at once. Too fast.

Her stomach turned as she swiftly ran to a door that led to the bathroom. Everything she ate yesterday, which wasn't much, began to come out.

And once again, cold hands touched mikasa.
As the rough icy fingers wrapped around her dark locks and formed a pony tail, mikasa continued to throw up,

and the hands? they rested on her back.

they stayed there until she was finished.
Some how mikasa needed that small gesture.

Because she now realizes the person she faked comfort in was finally gone. Remembering him only put her through more pain than he ever caused.
And there she was crying on someone's bathroom floor.

Was it worth it? Yeah they were toxic, yeah he hurt her, but... didn't she have fun?

The someone, watching the break down was in front of her, although her face was calm and projected no empathy, was freaking out actually. . Because she wasnt good with emotion, and dealing with others. She wanted to help, No. she needed to help.

And like that her frozen hands cupped mikasa face, her thumbs gently wiped the hot tears that stuck on mikasa reddened face.

but.... now mikasa felt safe in anothers arms. Because even tho the masculine arms that mikasa longed for, where gone, another newer one replaced that hole that wanted to be filled.

Annie left Mikasa in the bathroom, since it was clear that she was going through it. She was generous to leave a couple of clothes if mikasa wanted to take a shower.

But other then that, Annie made her way to the kitchen. Where she pulled out a few donuts and set the teapot on.
The blonde was confused, upset almost. That mikasa was so... troubled.

Annie only wanted the best and happiness for mikasa.
There were only two people in the house. One who laid against the kitchen counter pondering and trying to analyze the behavior of the one who was reflecting off her emotions and actions in the man made waterfall.

Yes, mikasa was aware of her emotions but control them she could not. She walked out of the shower and smiled at the neatly folded clothes on the counter.

She'll repay her sins later.

Her steps where light and her balance was a little thrown off. She gripped the railing of the Victorian old house as she slowly made her way down the stairs and to the kitchen.

" hello..."

Annie turned around to face the voice. Behold in front of her stood mikasa in her clothes. A white and green shirt with a symbolized unicorn graphic and sweat pants.

"you must be hurting.." Annie looked away, opening a cabinet and pulling out some aspirins.

" for your headache.." Annie passed the bottle and a cup of warm tea to mikasa.

The girl picked them up carefully and took two pills. She sat down at the long wooden table near the kitchen with her cup in hand, she watched as Annie cleaned everything up.

After a couple of minutes, the blonde made her way to the table aswell and sat across from mikasa.

No, it wasnt awkward. It was never awkward with them. The silence was needed. They both needed to reflex off of everything that happened in the span of only 24 hours.

Mikasa was the first to speak.

"did I do anything last night?" She asked nervously, only finding interest in the liquid that was held in the cup.

The blonde only rose an eyebrow.

" wrong person to ask.." Annie sighed.

Annie got up from the table. And so did mikasa eyes. Those same eyes that reflected pain, followed Annie as she disappeared into the living room.

She returned with a phone in hand, and slide it in front of mikasa.

"I charged it for you, you can call and ask Jean or hitch what you did last night, or you can call someone to pick you up.. it's your choice."

Mikasa eyes were fixated on the phone.

"You wanna get rid of me that easily?" Mikasa chuckled.

Annie smiled.

" no no, I thought you'd be better off at home.."

" I feel comfortable here with you.. but I will go call hitch since... I-.." mikasa decided against telling Annie she broke up with Jean.


She didn't want to worry Annie any more.

Annie's perfect eye brown rose, in confusion she stared at mikasa. Waiting for her to finish her sentence.

"I'm-a just call hitch.." mikasa rose from her feet and scurried away.

now it was only Annie sitting at the table. She played with the sleeves of her pajama shirt as she waited for mikasa return.

Still, Annie was stuck on last night. When did mikasa and hitch get so close? And did they do anything last night? if they did... what's going to happen with Jean...

Outside stood mikasa.

She held the phone securely in her palm. Hitch's contact was displayed on the blue screen.

Mikasa took a deep breath before she click the small phone icon.

She brung the phones speaker to her ear and patiently and anxiously waiting for her to pick up.

After a small period of time, someone answered.

"yesss~~" hitch answered seductively

Mikasa rolled her eyes. Typical hitch.

"hey hitch... um I have a question."

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