Ch. 13 - I'm sorry

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"Right on target. Breath in, breath out and... release," I whispered. Standing still I heard the bolt penetrate the target filled with my remaining bolts. I loosened up and looked at my final shot. 
"That was amazing Emma!" Peter applauded before embracing me in a hug. "You are natural with the crossbow. It was definitely the right choice."
"Thank you Peter, but you know that i couldn't have done it without you." I reassured back. He smiled warmly in return. 
"Shall we call it a day?"
"Yeah, let's," I yawned. We had been practising all morning, mostly from my stubbornness. It was already well into the afternoon. It had been a great time, but Peter seemed off. He wasn't as chipper as he used to be. Whenever I talked to him he just didn't seem like he was there. It was annoying though since he wouldn't admit to it. After coughing over and over again he would just say:
"I'm fine, really," while giving a smile. I didn't buy it though.
"Whatever you say, just wake me when we get home." I ended before taking a nap. 

"Peter, you are sure you are feeling well," I whispered as he was getting ready to bed. The sun hasn't even disappeared yet and he was already dressed and in bed. I was at my bed he had placed in the nightstand. I insisted on it. 
"It's alright... I'm just tired." he said beginning to doze off. The only thing I wanted at that moment was to help. It was useless though since he made it pretty hard. He wouldn't let me go into the deeper forest to find the right medicine to help him. I was to small to bring him anything. All I could do was being there, but for me that wasn't enough. I guess I just had to wait till tomorrow. Hopefully it was just a strong headache. Nothing major and it will just fix itself. I hoped...

"Mom, dad... Why are you here? It has been so long... where have you been? Why do you have those faces? No... mom, dad, don't leave me again! I can't take it! Please, I'm begging you... please stop coughing! Please I-"

"Aaahhh!" I heard as I jolted up. My eyes went straight to Peter to which the screaming was coming from. The night was still young but furthermore I could see his face. It was sweaty and panting for air. His left hand was clutching at the mattress. He looked over at me noticing I was awake. He got and picked me up in his hand while picking the bed up with the other one. 
"Sorry I woke you up, I'll put you in your house so you can-"
"Please stop lying to me! I know there is something really wrong with you! Let me help you! If you just let me go outside I can find medicine to help you!"
"How many times do I have to tell you it's gonna be okay." he said, a bit annoyed. "Besides you know the rules,"
"Don't go outside," I replied drily. "I know, but I'm scared. It's the first time I have seen you like this."
"And it won't be long before it's gone." he reassured petting my head. "Have a little faith in me."

With that he slided me down in the bedroom with the bed, put the roof back on and disappeared back to his bedroom. Even with the two doors being closed properly I could still hear the faintest scream out in the open. 
"I can't take this anymore you idiot. If you aren't gonna do anything about it then I will." 
First thing, I had to get my crossbow. After training he would put it on top of the highest shelf, thinking I wouldn't have access to that place, think again. By now he knew a lot of the tunnels I had. Though of course there were still some that were a secret. This was one of them. After packing the essentials: some food, extra cloth and my needle sword. Then finally retrieving my weapon along lots of bolts, I was ready. Steadily making my way to the front door I looked back over to his bedroom. If I'm fast I would make it before morning. Clawling under the door I made it to the other side. I hesitated, still holding my hand at the door.
"Breath in, breath out and... realise. I'm sorry," I said before letting go. 

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