[23] Until The Next Lifetime

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She was unknown of the truth and she was deprived of the answer on whether who between her parents and Mina was lying.

Chaeyoung trusts her parents more than anyone in her life, and she was starting to build up the trust that she once had for Mina.

So believing someone right now is out of the choices that she gave herself, because the one thing that she chose to be, is to stay ignorant of the truth and remain happy just as how she is right now.

But the question is meant to be answered, and the truth was given to her no matter how she wanted for it to remain hidden.

"I'm sorry for barging in, I'm just here to pick up my wife." A young man in purple faded suit said, surrounding an elegant aura around him. "I apologize for the burden that we've caused you. You see, me and my wife had a little argument and--"

"I don't give a fuck about your words." Chaeyoung rudely said to the guy as she contained herself with the confused anger that she's feeling. "Mina, you know that I will believe anything that you'll say to me, right?" She turned her gaze to the older girl but the latter just avoided her eyes.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble Chaeyoung. I'm coming back home to Thailand with Bambam." Mina unexpectedly replied, it was like a salt poured in the wound for the younger girl.

As the latter continued to avoid her gaze, Chaeyoung could sense something bizarre with the way that Mina's words is contrasting with her facial expressions.

"Can you please give us a minute to talk?" Chaeyoung asked the guy with her eyes still fixated on the older girl.

The guy was quick to get the gist of the situation, that it's impossible to retort to the younger girl with that anger firing in its eyes.

"I'll wait for you outside Mina." He said and quickly got out of the penthouse.

As soon as his presence wasn't around anymore, Chaeyoung approached Mina and embraced her lightly, which is not what the latter is actually expecting. "You don't have to be afraid of anyone or anything as long as I'm right here beside you."

She caressed the older girl's back and kissed the crown of its head. But Mina pushed her away and looked at her before saying the words she surely did not expect.

"Just like before I'm choosing him over you and you know that acting like you're not affected will only hurt you." Mina said with her eyes still not meeting her lover's.

She grabbed her suitcase and walked passed Chaeyoung. But it isn't the grip that stopped her, it was the words that hit her like an arrow, the words coming from the one and only person she had and she will ever love.

"I love you Mina."

Tears began to fall out of both of their eyes. Both is broken, but also one thing is for sure, both is in love.

"I love you and I'm more than sure now." Mina's grip is getting tighter around the handle of her suitcase as she tried her hardest to not look back at Chaeyoung as the younger girl said those three words to her again after so many years.

Her heart began to beat faster and heavier when her moon suddenly appeared right in front of her.

Finally, Mina looked at the younger girl's eyes and was surprised to saw not the anger but pure admiration in it.

Both we're not fond of talking and both doesn't like to waste their time on empty words. But the younger girl is overflowing with confidence right now that she chose to take action rather than break the silence.

She pulled Mina by the waist and gently crashed both their lips in a kiss. Mina was surprised and overwhelmed, but the gentle kisses that her lover is giving her gave her enough strength to be brave and kiss back.

She wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's shoulder and deepened the kiss between them. They were surely feeling the delight with every stroke of their lips that touches one another. The rhythm was sensational, since all their emotions was put into it.

None of them was planning to stop in any minute and they surely can take it even further, but the slamming on the door didn't gave them a chance to be able to do so.

As they let go of each other, they both gasped for air, and tears began to fall. "Fight for me this time Mina. Do something for yourself please." Chaeyoung begged and hugged Mina so tightly that shows how she never wanted to let go.

Mina is having second thoughts by now, but the door slammed open before she could even consider running away with Chaeyoung.

Her eyes widened and Chaeyoung felt a solid object touch the back of her head. A gun was pointed at her, by Mina's husband.

Mina rushingly got out of Chaeyoung's grasp and grabbed her luggage with her trembling hands.

"Bam stop it please." She begged the young man but the gun remained pointed at her lover.

"Come here Mina, I told you that if I can't take you back to Thailand I will kill this motherfucker instead." Bambam threatened and Mina was beyond scared but not for herself.

Chaeyoung bravely turn around and face the young man holding a gun to her head. "Mina stay there." She tried to think of a way to get out of this situation without handing Mina over to Bambam. But she forgot that the decision wasn't actually hers to start with.

With her heart pounding so hard, Mina slowly walk passed Chaeyoung and onto Bambam's side. The younger girl was surprised and tried to grab the older girl's hand and snatch her away, but the echo of the gunshot surprised the both of them.

Bambam pulled the trigger, but it was no longer pointed at Chaeyoung, it was pointed at the ceiling.

"One wrong move and the next thing that this gun will punch a hole in is your head and not the ceiling." He threatened, but Chaeyoung is still not scared of it unlike Mina.

"Mina doesn't love you asshole!" She shouted. But Mina just became more scared for her.

"I will come with you Bambam please stop this." She held her husband's arms and pleaded him to pull down the gun.

"Mina!" Chaeyoung shouted, she didn't expect Mina to decide so quickly like that.

"I'm sorry that I can't fight for you Chaeyoung, both back then and even now." Mina sincerely apologized as her heart clenched in pain, she successfully stopped Bambam from pointing the gun at Chaeyoung, but she knows that the danger isn't over yet. "I love you I really do. But I'm just a lowly coward who can't protect you Chaeyoung. I'm so sorry."

By this time, she felt sad, hurt and broken, and those overwhelming pain she's feeling right now gave her enough strength to be brave, and for the last time gave the one and only woman that she loved and will ever love a kiss on the lips.

A goodbye kiss.

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