[28] The One Who Lost

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"This is so uncalled for." Jihyo unnie said and all of my friends agreed with her.

"I know unnie. It was sudden but please give her a chance. Momo is a nice woman, she can be a good wife to me." I tried to convince them again. They all looked so unsatisfied with my reasons, it's acceptable since I'm not actually telling them the truth, all they know is that I decided to marry Momo, end of story.

"Oh yeah? Then how about Mina?" Tzuyu suddenly rebate, and that suprised all of us. It was a question that no one expected, especially me.

"Mina is with her husband now Tzu. What can I do?" I answered lightly, I don't want to argue about Mina right now.

"Are you even hearing yourself right now?" Dahyun spoke up in a serious voice that made us all went silent. "Look at your bestfriend," she pointed at Tzuyu "that motherfucker fought with you because of that girl, and you're telling me you wouldn't even end up together after all that?"

"It was her decision to leave. It's all over now Dahyun." I still tried to shake off the topic lightly but it feels like it wouldn't work.

"Oh really? If that's how shallow your reason is, then what's the point of fighting Tzuyu over it? You should've just handed her over then, you asshole." Dahyun walked out after saying all that, maybe she felt that she wouldn't get anything out of me anymore.

"Your bestfriend was really mad." Sana whispered to me, I forgot to mention she was here also.

My three bestfriends came in barging at my office this early morning after I called them last night saying that I got married. They didn't hear anything about it so I told them instead, but I didn't know that this would get out of hand like this.

On the other hand, Sana came here to get me sign a document for the project that we are working on together. She just got hooked on the scene that's why she's not yet leaving.

"Aren't you leaving yet Ms. Engineer?" Tzuyu sarcastically asked Sana after, looks like she noticed the extra presence of someone in the room. The latter automatically shot dagger looks at her.

"I'm here for work." She handed me the paper without looking at me, she's sticking her eyes at Tzuyu. I immediately signed the paper and handed it to her, this might result to war. "How about you leave? You're not even working here Ms. Chou Tzuyu." She rolled her eyes and walked away, clicking her heels as loud as possible to annoy my bestfriend.

"I hate her." Tzuyu said and slumped herself on the couch after Sana left.

"That's not even the issue here Tzuyu." Jihyo unnie said and turned to me. "Chaeyoung, don't you trust us? I know you're hiding something, come on."

As expected, she can read me so easily. Why did I even bother lying? I can never get away with Jihyo unnie's intuition.

"She became that rich because of me. Because she wished that one day she'll be able to reach my level, she worked so hard and I just want to give her a chance, she's my last girlfriend after all." I said, not completely telling the truth.

"Isn't her wealth enough for her though? She also wanted you even after having all those money? To be honest Chae she didn't lose anything, but Mina did." Tzuyu still argued and I looked at her, "She gained something for loving you, but Mina lost everything because she loved you. Now tell me Chaeyoung, who's more deserving?"

"Tzuyu don't give me that today."

"Oh I'm gonna fucking give it to you today and maybe tomorrow again. Mina may have broke you before but Chaeyoung she was tying her best to change for you. Do you even wonder how she is right now? Are you even worried for her thinking that a dangerous guy is with her in Thailand?"

"Tzuyu." I tried to stop her, but she's like a train that already took off, she can't be stopped.

"Because I am Chaeyoung! I am worried about her but I'm not the one that she needs." She walked towards me and pinned her pointing finger in my chest. "It's you, she needs you but it looks like you don't care about her anymore."

"How can you say that to me?" I looked at her straight in the eyes. "From the start, I have loved Mina, I have fought for her. Don't tell me those things as if I didn't do anything for her." I swat her hands away. "I loved her and I still love her Tzuyu. But I'm tired of being the only one trying to fight for us, I'm tired of being the only one to choose her. I was always there for her! I was!" I can't help but shout at her.

"But she always turns her back at me in the end. She's the one who left. So why does it seems like it's my fault?!" I'm being overwhelmed with my feelings right now, it feels like she opened something she shouldn't have.

I fell down on my knees as I cried in front of them. "I wanted to be with her also, but she's not even here. She left me." I wiped my tears using my sleeves.

All the pain that I'm suppressing all this time is automatically coming out of me. The pain of losing the girl that I chose to love again. The pain of not being chosen.

So this is how it feels? It's fucking heart wrecking. It's sucking all the blood out of my body, it's taking the life out of me.

Tzuyu just walked out without apologizing and Jihyo unnie approached me and knelt in front of me.

"No matter how much I understand how you feel, I agree to the both of them this time. Marrying someone else is not the answer to relieve the pain Chaeyoung, you're only hurting yourself and Momo." She tapped my shoulders and brushed my hair before leaving.

They all left, but someone came after that.

"Chaeyoung?" She called out as she saw me crying on the floor.

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