[29] Laughters and Tears

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I watched Momo as she set up the food that she bought outside. We're still in my office and it's currently lunch.

She came earlier after my friends left, and because she walked in at me crying so pathetically like that, she refused to leave.

I stood up and made my way over to her, "You really don't have to do this Momo." I said and looked at her.

"I wanted to. Just let me do this and sit there." She just smiled and pointed at the couch. I just obeyed since I know that I wouldn't be able to stop her at this rate.

"Then at least eat with me." I suggested but she slowly looked at me with widened eyes.

"Eat you?"

"With me." I corrected, emphasizing each word and laughed at her. "My god Momo your mind is dirty." I continued to laugh as she sat beside me.

"I got a little excited over there." She whispered but I can totally hear it.

She just made me laugh.

I know this trick, she's trying to comfort me with her silliness. She just knows too well how to put a smile in my lips.

"Thank you Momo." I gave her a genuine smile and she replied the same to me.

"No need to thank me Chaeyoung. I don't want you to feel the need to thank me." She held my hand. "I just want you to accept everything that I'm doing, because I'll be really happy if you're comfortable of everything I'll do instead of being grateful." She held my face and kissed the bridge of my nose, like she always did before.

"But don't worry, I promise I will still wait for you. I love you Chaeyoung." I smiled at her again.

Momo is so kind and considerate. I don't deserve her, but I will try my best to pay back everything that she had done for me.

If that comes to loving her back, I will try my hardest to do so.


"Let's walk." She suggested and excitedly wrapped her arms around mine.

"But we both have a car, and the house is far." I chuckled a bit and still pressed my car keys, she looks disappointed. "Why? Do you want to go somewhere?" I asked and she thinks for a bit before almost shouting, "Aquarium!".

Her eyes suddenly glowed like a kid. I guess I have to grant her request this time. "It's right across the street and," I looked at my wrist watch. "It's still 7pm, they close at nine so I think we can still go. You're quite lucky aren't you?" She giggled and I just brushed her hair before leading her to where she wanted to go.

We walked hand in hand as per what she likes, and she looks really happy because she's skipping a step, replacing it with little jumps of excitement as we walk towards our destination.

When we arrived, she ran around like a kid with sparkling eyes. I don't know if it's her first time here or she's just really happy to be here.

I just patiently followed her until she stopped infront of a large aquarium that's placed on the ceiling and sat on the floor as she gazed on the fishes swimming around.

I sat beside her and looked up just like what she did. "I didn't know you like aquariums so much." I looked at her, she's still staring at the aquarium.

"They're like you, the fishes I mean." She said and I laughed.

"I look like a fish?" I asked in between my laughter, she giggled and shook her head.

"No, stupid. What I mean is you're like them, not literally."

"Then why is that so?"

"Because you are hard to get, like a fish." The mood suddenly turned serious because of what she said. I can totally get what she meant by that.

"Momo, can I ask you a question?" I sat properly and looked at her, she did the same. "When you said I never loved you before, back then at Namsan Tower, what did you mean by that?" I bowed my head down and looked at my fiddling fingers, I'm ashamed to ask this, but I'm too curious to just let it slip away out of my head.

I heard her sigh before she started talking.

"When we were still dating, I saw a text from your phone one day, and the caller id was named 'my person'. I thought you were cheating on me so I decided to open it, that's when I knew that it was just your ex girlfriend." I looked at her again and saw that her eyes are sparkling, but not with adoration this time, but with tears and sadness.

I forgot to change Sana's name in my phone that time because I'm too busy contemplating on my insecurities after she cheated on me. I didn't know she texted me when I was already dating Momo.

"She was asking to meet with you and apologizing, saying that it was a mistake. I was curious so I tried to dial my number from your phone to see what my caller id was in yours, and it was just Hirai Momo. I got jealous so I deleted the text, I'm so sorry Chaeyoung." I can feel the guilt in her voice.

She's close to crying but still continued. "So that night when I visited you at your house and saw Sana there. I thought you still love her that's why I said that you never loved me when we were at the Namsan tower."

Her tears started to fall off her eyes. "I was really hurt that time Chaeyoung, please don't make me feel that pain again." She looked at me and I feel like she's pulling me in to her despair, I can feel the pain without even trying to.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and pulled her close to me. "It's okay Momo. It's all in the past, I will do my best to not cause you the same pain again." I shushed her and rubbed her back to comfort her.

I keep on discovering new things as days goes by. I kinda wish this would be the last, because I think I can't take it if another adds on. It'll be a mess in my head.

I just wish this stops soon.

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