First day of classes and Severus Snape

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(A/N: Luna's best subject is Potions while her favorite subject is Transfiguration.)

The next day after breakfast the trio left for classes. First they had Charms with the Ravenclaws where they practised the cheering charm, Luna did it easily on her second try while Em had a bit of trouble and got it on her fourth one.

Luna and Amelia then had acient runes with the Hufflepuffs. Luna was not- so - good at and it was very complicated, she wasn't even sure about why in the name of Merlin she had chosen it in the first place. There were only a few Gryffindors and even less Hufflepuffs in that class. For homework Professor Vector gave them runes to translate which were to be handed in by Thursday.

After Ancient Runes the three of them met in Potions with the Slytherins. Professor Slughorn gave a ' welcome back ' speech, he then pointed Luna to the desk in the right hand corner of the room where only one person was sitting and told her to sit there. And to her surprise the boy sitting there was none other than Severus Snape. Once she sat down she offered him a smile, which he pointedly ignored. Then after a few attempts of trying to talk to him Luna gave up. She had known that Snape had a cold attitude but he hadn't thought that it would be so much.

"Now then everyone, welcome back and I hope you had a good holiday," said Professor Slughorn merrily. "Today we are going to brew a simple Draught of peace, it will be an activity for a single person and the best potioneer will get a vial of Felix Felicis also known as liquid luck. Now, the instructions are on the board and you may start," he flicked his wand and words appeared on the board. After forty minutes Slughorn started wandering around the class checking the potions.

He stopped at Snape's and said, " hmm, a good potion, hard to beat."

But once he stopped at Luna's cauldron his eyes widened, " well done Miss Parker yours is the best potion."

He then announced to the class, " our winner is clear, this vial goes to Miss Parker" he said jollily holding up the vial which contained Felix Felicis. "And for homework you all will write down the steps and effects of the Draught of Peace, it should be handed in by Wednesday. You may all leave now, I'll see you all next lesson."

Luna thanked Professor Slughorn and took the vial when suddenly she felt someone trying to get past her Occlumency shield. She looked around the classroom when she saw Snape eyeing her rather curiously. She narrowed her eyes at him when he realized that she was looking at him and quickly looked away. While, Luna was pretty sure that it was Snape who had been trying to break into her mind as according to her dad, Severus Snape was a skilled Occlumences and Legelimences.

Once class ended Luna quickly tried to get out but Slughorn called her back, " Miss Parker could I have a word with you? Could you please stay back? " Luna stayed back and after the whole class had left Slughorn turned to her "Now Miss Parker, I have kept you back because I would like to invite you to the Slug Club. It is a group where my best students meet up for dinner with me."

"Thank you, sir it's an honor," she said to be polite. She knew from her Aunt Hermione that these dinners were very boring. She then went out of the class as quickly as possible because she wanted to ask Snape as to why on Earth he had been trying to break into her mind. She was half way to the lunch when she spotted him. She pulled him into a narrow, deserted corridor.

" What the hell do you think you are doing?" he hissed, drawing out his wand and pointing it at her.

" I just wanted to ask you that why were you trying to break into my mind," Luna replied eyeing his wand warily.

" Well I was just, ahh...curious. Though I see that you are a Occlumences," he said raising his eyebrows.

"Well, I see that you are a Legelimences," she shot back sassily. " I am Luna by the way, never got the chance to introduce myself."

"Severus Snape," he said, giving her a curt nod and heading back to the great Hall.

Luna also headed to the great Hall where she met Emmeline and Amelia at the entrance.

" What did Slughorn keep you back?" Asked Emmeline curiously.

" Oh, he invited me to something called a Slug Club," she said.

After lunch they had DADA.

"I wonder if our teacher this year will be good," said Amelia thoughtfully as they walked towards the classroom.

"We have a different teacher each year. It's as rumored that the job's jinxed." Explained Emmeline.

Once they reached the classroom the door opened and a middle aged woman walked out.

" Welcome to Defence Against the Dark Arts. I am Professor McMillan and I'll be your teacher this year." She then ushered them in.

" Today we will be trying the Patronus charm," she said. "It is very hard and don't be discouraged if you can't produce a it, even over aged wizards can't do it. The Patronus charm is used to repel dementors, to produce it you must think of a happy memory. Remember the inicantion is 'Expecto Patronum' , you may begin."

There were choruses of 'EXPECTO PATRONUM' throughout the class. However, only wisps of white smoke came out of wands when suddenly a stag burst out of James Potter's wand, soon followed by a black dog from Sirius Black's. Everyone stopped to watch the patronuses.

Then a wolf came out of Remus Lupin's wand, then a rat from Peter Pettigrew's. Luna could see students exchange surprised looks when Peter managed to produce a corpreal patronus.

"Well done Mr. Potter,Black, Lupin, Pettigrew!" Exclaimed Professor McMillan.

She tried again, " EXPECTO PATRONUM, " and a cat burst out of the tip of her wand.

"Well done, Miss Parker," said the professor smiling at her.

Once DADA ended the trio walked to History of Magic.

"History of Magic is really boring," said Emmeline. "The teacher is a ghost and he makes interesting things sound boring. Even some Ravenclaws fall asleep in his class."

And Luna found that out herself. They were learning goblin rebellions and the tone he talked in made more than half the class fall asleep including a few Ravenclaws, then at the end of the class Professor Binns assigned them a three foot long essay on goblin rebellions.

Then they had transfiguration. They were supposed to change their eyebrows into different colours. Luna did it very easily on her first try but unfortunately for Peter he accidentally transfigured a mustache onto his face. Professor McGonagall gave them homework to accomplish the spell to the ones that hadn't done it and also set a ten inch essay.

Once all the classes for the day were over the three of them went to a tree near the black lake and rested there for a while. They then went to the library to start their homework despite Em's protests. At dinner as everyone was eating dinner Luna noticed Remus waving his wand, muttering something under his breath and pointing his wand at the Slytherin table. Then suddenly words started appearing on top of the Slytherin students in red and gold colour. They read 'Slytherin stinks'. The whole hall burst out laughing, the marauders being the loudest, excluding a few people, which included Luna, the Slytherins and a few other people.

Luna thought it was rather unfair that the marauders only pranked and tormented the Slytherins. She hated prejudiced people, like the marauders, after all even her brother was in Slytherin and as her parents said not all Slytherins were bad. After dinner Luna sat reading in the common room whilst Em and Amelia played wizard chess. The common room started to become empty as it became late. Finally when they got sleepy the trio went to sleep.

(A/N: I'll like to thank the people that have voted my story. I hope you like the chapter!)

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