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The next days, as per the plan, the Marauders came over to the two girls after the last class was finished.

" Hello Lily! " James said as the three approached them.

" Hello," Lily replied.

They started walking back to the common room when, suddenly, Remus said,

" Oh, I forgot, we have detention," he said to Luna and Sirius.

" Oh, right, " Luna said, then turning towards Lily. " We'd better get going, see you later. "

" Wait, how did you get detention? " Lily asked.

" I set off a dungbomb in Filch's office, " Luna replied.

" That was you?!," she said. So, then why do Remus and Black also have detention? " She asked suspiciously.

" They were at the wrong place at the wrong time. "

The three of them went to the common room to 'keep their bags' leaving James and Lily alone.

" Do you think Lily will talk to him? " Remus asked.

" I hope so, " Luna replied.

" I don't know, she seems determined on hating him, " Sirius said.

~meanwhile with Lily and James ~

" So, " James, " Hi?"

" Hello." Lily replied.

" So, er, how are you?"

" Um... Good, you?"

" I'm fine. Er... What's your favorite color?" James asked.

" Green."

" And your favorite flowers?"

" Petunias."

" Oh, nice! So, do you want to be just friends? " he asked eagerly.

" Sure...?" Lily said doubtfully.

" Great, thank you Lily- fl, er, I mean Lily." James said.

After sometime the two parted ways. James went to the common room whereas Lily went to the Library.

" Well? " Sirius asked as James entered the common room.

" She talked to me!" He exclaimed enthusiastically, " Ev- I mean Lily actually talked to me properly! She even agreed to become friends with me!"

" Good job Prongs," Remus said, patting James on the back.

" Yeah, I guess it's a good thing that you managed to talk to her without asking her out," Sirius replied.

" Yeah, great job," Luna said encouragingly. " Now just be friends with her for now and then once you two become very good friends you might have a chance."

" Yeah, " James said dreamily. " Hey, does the flower petunia come in green color?"

" Yeah" Remus said.

" Why?" Luna asked.

" Oh, well Lily said her favorite color is green and her favorite flowers are petunias. So, I just thought that I should get her green petunias. But I guess there aren't any..."

" That might be a romantic gesture," Remus pointed out, " and first you have to become good friends with her."

" I suppose..." James said.

~ time skip to dinner ~

The students had just finished dinner when Dumbledore stood up.

" I would like to give a notice," he said. " As a light in these dark times, we will be holding a Halloween ball and fourth year and above students are invited. There will also be a Hogsmeade trip this Saturday so that you can get the things you need for the ball."

As soon as Dumbledore sat down again everyone started talking at once about the ball.

Once they all went back to their respective common rooms. As soon as the room was empty, except the marauders and herself, the three boys came over to her. ( Peter is currently in the hospital wing due to food poisoning. )

" Should I ask Lily to the ball?" James asked. " Do you think she'll say yes?"

" I don't think you should," Luna replied. " I doubt she'll say yes."

" But then when should I ask her?" he asked desperately.

" When the time is right."

" Uh..." he said exasperatedly.

" So then, beautiful, are you going with anyone?" Sirius asked winking at her.

" No. I don't even want to, I hate dancing." Luna said wrinkling her nose. " Goodnight."

With that she spun on her heel and went up to the girls dormitory and fell asleep quickly after the excitement of the day.

Lily Luna Potter Lost In TimeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora